Rikka with Sequence




As we know, Rikka is poor at math. Yuta is worrying about this situation, so he gives Rikka some math tasks to practice. There is one of them:
Yuta has an array A with n numbers. Then he makes m operations on it.
There are three type of operations:
1 l r x : For each i in [l,r], change A[i] to A[i]+x
2 l r : For each i in [l,r], change A[i] to
3 l r : Yuta wants Rikka to sum up A[i] for all i in [l,r]
It is too difficult for Rikka. Can you help her?


The first line contains a number t(11000.
For each testcase, the first line contains two numbers n,m(1


For each operation of type 3, print a lines contains one number -- the answer of the query.

Sample Input

5 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 3 5 2
2 1 4
3 2 4
2 3 5
3 1 5

Sample Output



2016 Multi-University Training Contest 8


1. 将区间内的值都加x.
2. 将区间内的值都开平方.
3. 求区间内数的和.


容易想到用线段树来维护,关键是如何处理操作二. 直接对每个数开平方肯定会超时.
对于树中的每个结点维护一个equal, 表示当前结点的子节点是否相等. (若相等就等于子节点的值,否则为-1).

赛后数据被加强了,上述思路在HDU上已经AC不了了. sad....

``` cpp
#define LL long long
#define eps 1e-8
#define maxn 101000
#define mod 100000007
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define mid(a,b) ((a+b)>>1)
#define IN freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
using namespace std;

int n;

LL num[maxn];

struct Tree


int left,right;

LL lazy,sum,equl;


void build(int i,int left,int right)





tree[i].sum = num[left];
tree[i].equl = num[left];
return ;
} int mid=mid(left,right); build(i<<1,left,mid);
build(i<<1|1,mid+1,right); tree[i].sum = tree[i<<1].sum + tree[i<<1|1].sum;
tree[i].equl = tree[i<<1].equl==tree[i<<1|1].equl ? tree[i<<1].equl : -1;


void pushdown(int i)


if(tree[i].equl != -1) {

tree[i<<1].equl = tree[i].equl;

tree[i<<1|1].equl = tree[i].equl;

tree[i<<1].sum = (tree[i<<1].right-tree[i<<1].left+1)tree[i].equl;

tree[i<<1|1].sum = (tree[i<<1|1].right-tree[i<<1|1].left+1)

tree[i].lazy = 0;

tree[i<<1].lazy = 0;

tree[i<<1|1].lazy = 0;


if(tree[i].lazy) {

tree[i<<1].lazy += tree[i].lazy;

tree[i<<1|1].lazy += tree[i].lazy;

tree[i<<1].sum += (tree[i<<1].right-tree[i<<1].left+1)tree[i].lazy;

tree[i<<1|1].sum += (tree[i<<1|1].right-tree[i<<1|1].left+1)

if(tree[i<<1].equl != -1) {

tree[i<<1].equl += tree[i].lazy;

tree[i<<1].lazy = 0;


if(tree[i<<1|1].equl != -1) {

tree[i<<1|1].equl += tree[i].lazy;

tree[i<<1|1].lazy = 0;


tree[i].lazy = 0;



void update(int i,int left,int right,LL d)




tree[i].sum += (right-left+1)*d;

if(tree[i].equl == -1) tree[i].lazy += d;

else tree[i].equl += d;

return ;



int mid=mid(tree[i].left,tree[i].right);

if(right<=mid) update(i<<1,left,right,d);
else if(left>mid) update(i<<1|1,left,right,d);
else {
} tree[i].sum = tree[i<<1].sum + tree[i<<1|1].sum;
tree[i].equl = tree[i<<1].equl==tree[i<<1|1].equl ? tree[i<<1].equl : -1;


void update_sqrt(int i,int left,int right)


if(tree[i].leftleft&&tree[i].rightright && tree[i].equl!=-1)


tree[i].equl = (LL)sqrt(tree[i].equl);

tree[i].sum = tree[i].equl * (tree[i].right-tree[i].left+1);

tree[i].lazy = 0;

return ;



int mid=mid(tree[i].left,tree[i].right);

if(right<=mid) update_sqrt(i<<1,left,right);
else if(left>mid) update_sqrt(i<<1|1,left,right);
else {
} tree[i].sum = tree[i<<1].sum + tree[i<<1|1].sum;
tree[i].equl = tree[i<<1].equl==tree[i<<1|1].equl ? tree[i<<1].equl : -1;


LL query(int i,int left,int right)



return tree[i].sum;


int mid=mid(tree[i].left,tree[i].right);

if(right<=mid) return query(i<<1,left,right);
else if(left>mid) return query(i<<1|1,left,right);
else return query(i<<1,left,mid)+query(i<<1|1,mid+1,right);


int main(int argc, char const *argv[])



int t; cin >> t;
int m;
scanf("%d %d", &n,&m);
for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
scanf("%lld", &num[i]);
build(1, 1, n); while(m--) {
int op, l, r;
scanf("%d %d %d", &op,&l,&r);
if(op == 1) {
LL x; scanf("%lld", &x);
update(1, l, r, x);
else if(op == 2) {
update_sqrt(1, l, r);
else if(op == 3) {
printf("%lld\n", query(1, l, r));
} return 0;


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