以下代码出自于VS2012 <memory>
template<class _Ty>
class shared_ptr
: public _Ptr_base<_Ty>
{ // class for reference counted resource management
typedef shared_ptr<_Ty> _Myt;
typedef _Ptr_base<_Ty> _Mybase; shared_ptr() _NOEXCEPT
{ // construct empty shared_ptr object
} template<class _Ux>
explicit shared_ptr(_Ux *_Px)
{ // construct shared_ptr object that owns _Px
} template<class _Ux,
class _Dx>
shared_ptr(_Ux *_Px, _Dx _Dt)
{ // construct with _Px, deleter
_Resetp(_Px, _Dt);
} //#if _HAS_CPP0X shared_ptr(nullptr_t)
{ // construct with nullptr
_Resetp((_Ty *));
} template<class _Dx>
shared_ptr(nullptr_t, _Dx _Dt)
{ // construct with nullptr, deleter
_Resetp((_Ty *), _Dt);
} template<class _Dx,
class _Alloc>
shared_ptr(nullptr_t, _Dx _Dt, _Alloc _Ax)
{ // construct with nullptr, deleter, allocator
_Resetp((_Ty *), _Dt, _Ax);
} template<class _Ux,
class _Dx,
class _Alloc>
shared_ptr(_Ux *_Px, _Dx _Dt, _Alloc _Ax)
{ // construct with _Px, deleter, allocator
_Resetp(_Px, _Dt, _Ax);
//#endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */ #if _HAS_CPP0X
template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Right, _Ty *_Px) _NOEXCEPT
{ // construct shared_ptr object that aliases _Right
this->_Reset(_Px, _Right);
#endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */ shared_ptr(const _Myt& _Other) _NOEXCEPT
{ // construct shared_ptr object that owns same resource as _Other
} template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other,
typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Ty2 *, _Ty *>::value,
void>::type ** = ) _NOEXCEPT
{ // construct shared_ptr object that owns same resource as _Other
} template<class _Ty2>
explicit shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other,
bool _Throw = true)
{ // construct shared_ptr object that owns resource *_Other
this->_Reset(_Other, _Throw);
} template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(auto_ptr<_Ty2>&& _Other)
{ // construct shared_ptr object that owns *_Other.get()
this->_Reset(_STD move(_Other));
} template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other, const _Static_tag& _Tag)
{ // construct shared_ptr object for static_pointer_cast
this->_Reset(_Other, _Tag);
} template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other, const _Const_tag& _Tag)
{ // construct shared_ptr object for const_pointer_cast
this->_Reset(_Other, _Tag);
} template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other, const _Dynamic_tag& _Tag)
{ // construct shared_ptr object for dynamic_pointer_cast
this->_Reset(_Other, _Tag);
} shared_ptr(_Myt&& _Right) _NOEXCEPT
: _Mybase(_STD forward<_Myt>(_Right))
{ // construct shared_ptr object that takes resource from _Right
} template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(shared_ptr<_Ty2>&& _Right,
typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Ty2 *, _Ty *>::value,
void>::type ** = ) _NOEXCEPT
: _Mybase(_STD forward<shared_ptr<_Ty2> >(_Right))
{ // construct shared_ptr object that takes resource from _Right
} #if _HAS_CPP0X
template<class _Ux,
class _Dx>
shared_ptr(unique_ptr<_Ux, _Dx>&& _Right)
{ // construct from unique_ptr
_Resetp(_Right.release(), _Right.get_deleter());
} template<class _Ux,
class _Dx>
_Myt& operator=(unique_ptr<_Ux, _Dx>&& _Right)
{ // move from unique_ptr
shared_ptr(_STD move(_Right)).swap(*this);
return (*this);
#endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */ _Myt& operator=(_Myt&& _Right) _NOEXCEPT
{ // construct shared_ptr object that takes resource from _Right
shared_ptr(_STD move(_Right)).swap(*this);
return (*this);
} template<class _Ty2>
_Myt& operator=(shared_ptr<_Ty2>&& _Right) _NOEXCEPT
{ // construct shared_ptr object that takes resource from _Right
shared_ptr(_STD move(_Right)).swap(*this);
return (*this);
} ~shared_ptr() _NOEXCEPT
{ // release resource
} _Myt& operator=(const _Myt& _Right) _NOEXCEPT
{ // assign shared ownership of resource owned by _Right
return (*this);
} template<class _Ty2>
_Myt& operator=(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Right) _NOEXCEPT
{ // assign shared ownership of resource owned by _Right
return (*this);
} template<class _Ty2>
_Myt& operator=(auto_ptr<_Ty2>&& _Right)
{ // assign ownership of resource pointed to by _Right
shared_ptr(_STD move(_Right)).swap(*this);
return (*this);
} void reset() _NOEXCEPT
{ // release resource and convert to empty shared_ptr object
} template<class _Ux>
void reset(_Ux *_Px)
{ // release, take ownership of _Px
} template<class _Ux,
class _Dx>
void reset(_Ux *_Px, _Dx _Dt)
{ // release, take ownership of _Px, with deleter _Dt
shared_ptr(_Px, _Dt).swap(*this);
} //#if _HAS_CPP0X
template<class _Ux,
class _Dx,
class _Alloc>
void reset(_Ux *_Px, _Dx _Dt, _Alloc _Ax)
{ // release, take ownership of _Px, with deleter _Dt, allocator _Ax
shared_ptr(_Px, _Dt, _Ax).swap(*this);
//#endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */ void swap(_Myt& _Other) _NOEXCEPT
{ // swap pointers
} _Ty *get() const _NOEXCEPT
{ // return pointer to resource
return (this->_Get());
} typename add_reference<_Ty>::type operator*() const _NOEXCEPT
{ // return reference to resource
return (*this->_Get());
} _Ty *operator->() const _NOEXCEPT
{ // return pointer to resource
return (this->_Get());
} bool unique() const _NOEXCEPT
{ // return true if no other shared_ptr object owns this resource
return (this->use_count() == );
{ // test if shared_ptr object owns no resource
return (this->_Get() != ? _CONVERTIBLE_TO_TRUE : );
} private:
template<class _Ux>
void _Resetp(_Ux *_Px)
{ // release, take ownership of _Px
_TRY_BEGIN // allocate control block and reset
_Resetp0(_Px, new _Ref_count<_Ux>(_Px));
_CATCH_ALL // allocation failed, delete resource
delete _Px;
} template<class _Ux,
class _Dx>
void _Resetp(_Ux *_Px, _Dx _Dt)
{ // release, take ownership of _Px, deleter _Dt
_TRY_BEGIN // allocate control block and reset
_Resetp0(_Px, new _Ref_count_del<_Ux, _Dx>(_Px, _Dt));
_CATCH_ALL // allocation failed, delete resource
} //#if _HAS_CPP0X
template<class _Ux,
class _Dx,
class _Alloc>
void _Resetp(_Ux *_Px, _Dx _Dt, _Alloc _Ax)
{ // release, take ownership of _Px, deleter _Dt, allocator _Ax
typedef _Ref_count_del_alloc<_Ux, _Dx, _Alloc> _Refd;
typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Refd>::other _Al = _Ax; _TRY_BEGIN // allocate control block and reset
_Refd *_Ptr = _Al.allocate();
::new (_Ptr) _Refd(_Px, _Dt, _Al);
_Resetp0(_Px, _Ptr);
_CATCH_ALL // allocation failed, delete resource
//#endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */ public:
template<class _Ux>
void _Resetp0(_Ux *_Px, _Ref_count_base *_Rx)
{ // release resource and take ownership of _Px
this->_Reset0(_Px, _Rx);
_Enable_shared(_Px, _Rx);
_Ty *_Ptr;
_Ref_count_base *_Rep;
所以我们知道 _Ptr 保存的值就是真正的指针
但是 _Ref_count_base *_Rep 是什么东西呢,很明显就是引用计数。为什么要用指针呢,因为拥有相同_Ptr值的智能指针要拥有同一个引用计数,因此 _Rep 必须为指针。我们把引用计数类_Ref_count_base 放到后面去讨论。
shared_ptr的构造函数里大量的调用了两个函数 _Resetp 和 _Reset。
------------------------------------------------------------ _Ptr_base的构造函数 -------------------------------------------------------------------
: _Ptr(), _Rep()
{ // construct
} _Ptr_base(_Myt&& _Right)
: _Ptr(), _Rep()
{ // construct _Ptr_base object that takes resource from _Right
_Assign_rv(_STD forward<_Myt>(_Right));
} template<class _Ty2>
_Ptr_base(_Ptr_base<_Ty2>&& _Right)
: _Ptr(_Right._Ptr), _Rep(_Right._Rep)
{ // construct _Ptr_base object that takes resource from _Right
_Right._Ptr = ;
_Right._Rep = ;
template<class _Ty2>
_Ptr_base(_Ptr_base<_Ty2>&& _Right)
------------------------------------------------------------ _Ptr_base的_Resetp函数 -------------------------------------------------------------
template<class _Ux>
void _Resetp(_Ux *_Px)
{ // release, take ownership of _Px
_TRY_BEGIN // allocate control block and reset
_Resetp0(_Px, new _Ref_count<_Ux>(_Px));
_CATCH_ALL // allocation failed, delete resource
delete _Px;
} template<class _Ux,
class _Dx>
void _Resetp(_Ux *_Px, _Dx _Dt)
{ // release, take ownership of _Px, deleter _Dt
_TRY_BEGIN // allocate control block and reset
_Resetp0(_Px, new _Ref_count_del<_Ux, _Dx>(_Px, _Dt));
_CATCH_ALL // allocation failed, delete resource
} //#if _HAS_CPP0X
template<class _Ux,
class _Dx,
class _Alloc>
void _Resetp(_Ux *_Px, _Dx _Dt, _Alloc _Ax)
{ // release, take ownership of _Px, deleter _Dt, allocator _Ax
typedef _Ref_count_del_alloc<_Ux, _Dx, _Alloc> _Refd;
typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Refd>::other _Al = _Ax; _TRY_BEGIN // allocate control block and reset
_Refd *_Ptr = _Al.allocate();
::new (_Ptr) _Refd(_Px, _Dt, _Al);
_Resetp0(_Px, _Ptr);
_CATCH_ALL // allocation failed, delete resource
_Resetp函数有三个重载,实际上就是 是否带析构器_Dx 和 是否带构造器_Alloc, 这两个参数都用于引用计数,我们继续留到后面讨论。
template<class _Ux>
void _Resetp0(_Ux *_Px, _Ref_count_base *_Rx)
{ // release resource and take ownership of _Px
this->_Reset0(_Px, _Rx);
_Enable_shared(_Px, _Rx);
这里又调用了父类_Ptr_base的_Reset0 和另一个函数_Enable_shared
void _Reset0(_Ty *_Other_ptr, _Ref_count_base *_Other_rep)
{ // release resource and take new resource
if (_Rep != )
_Rep = _Other_rep;
_Ptr = _Other_ptr;
(为什么叫_Reset0? 0表示最基本的Reset?)
template<class _Ty>
inline void _Enable_shared(_Ty *_Ptr, _Ref_count_base *_Refptr,
typename _Ty::_EStype * = )
{ // reset internal weak pointer
if (_Ptr)
(enable_shared_from_this<typename _Ty::_EStype>*)_Ptr, _Refptr);
} inline void _Enable_shared(const volatile void *, const volatile void *)
{ // not derived from enable_shared_from_this; do nothing
因为_Ty继承于enable_shared_from_this<typename _Ty::_EStype>(实际上_Ty::_EStype就是_Ty,有兴趣的朋友可以去看一下 enable_shared_from_this的源码),enable_shared_from_this<typename _Ty::_EStype>内部保存着一个weak_ptr<_Ty>的弱指针,而_Do_enable的作用就是更新一下这个弱指针的值(使用过shared_ptr的朋友都应该知道enable_shared_from_this是用于共享this指针,而这个共享this指针的操作就是通过这个weak_ptr达到的)。
------------------------------------------------------------ shared_ptr的构造函数 -------------------------------------------------------------
shared_ptr(const _Myt& _Other) _NOEXCEPT
{ // construct shared_ptr object that owns same resource as _Other
} template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other,
typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Ty2 *, _Ty *>::value,
void>::type ** = ) _NOEXCEPT
{ // construct shared_ptr object that owns same resource as _Other
} template<class _Ty2>
explicit shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other,
bool _Throw = true)
{ // construct shared_ptr object that owns resource *_Other
this->_Reset(_Other, _Throw);
} template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(auto_ptr<_Ty2>&& _Other)
{ // construct shared_ptr object that owns *_Other.get()
this->_Reset(_STD move(_Other));
} template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other, const _Static_tag& _Tag)
{ // construct shared_ptr object for static_pointer_cast
this->_Reset(_Other, _Tag);
} template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other, const _Const_tag& _Tag)
{ // construct shared_ptr object for const_pointer_cast
this->_Reset(_Other, _Tag);
} template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other, const _Dynamic_tag& _Tag)
{ // construct shared_ptr object for dynamic_pointer_cast
this->_Reset(_Other, _Tag);
这里又用到了模板的最特化匹配,注意L1 - L12
is_convertible<_Ty2 *, _Ty *>::value
是C++11提供的一个类型测试模板,用于测试_Ty2 * 与 _Ty *之间是否有合法转换。当有的时候将调用函数L6 - L12,否则调用L1 - L4
template<class _Ty2>
shared_ptr(shared_ptr<_Ty2>&& _Right,
typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Ty2 *, _Ty *>::value,
void>::type ** = ) _NOEXCEPT
: _Mybase(_STD forward<shared_ptr<_Ty2> >(_Right))
{ // construct shared_ptr object that takes resource from _Right
然后L27 - L43的三个构造函数分别用于static_cast、const_cast、dynamic_cast转型。
template<class _Ty1,
class _Ty2>
static_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other) _NOEXCEPT
{ // return shared_ptr object holding static_cast<_Ty1 *>(_Other.get())
return (shared_ptr<_Ty1>(_Other, _Static_tag()));
} template<class _Ty1,
class _Ty2>
const_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other) _NOEXCEPT
{ // return shared_ptr object holding const_cast<_Ty1 *>(_Other.get())
return (shared_ptr<_Ty1>(_Other, _Const_tag()));
} template<class _Ty1,
class _Ty2>
dynamic_pointer_cast(const shared_ptr<_Ty2>& _Other) _NOEXCEPT
{ // return shared_ptr object holding dynamic_cast<_Ty1 *>(_Other.get())
return (shared_ptr<_Ty1>(_Other, _Dynamic_tag()));
------------------------------------------------------------ _Ptr_base的_Reset函数 -------------------------------------------------------------
void _Reset()
{ // release resource
_Reset(, );
} template<class _Ty2>
void _Reset(const _Ptr_base<_Ty2>& _Other)
{ // release resource and take ownership of _Other._Ptr
_Reset(_Other._Ptr, _Other._Rep);
} template<class _Ty2>
void _Reset(const _Ptr_base<_Ty2>& _Other, bool _Throw)
{ // release resource and take ownership from weak_ptr _Other._Ptr
_Reset(_Other._Ptr, _Other._Rep, _Throw);
} template<class _Ty2>
void _Reset(const _Ptr_base<_Ty2>& _Other, const _Static_tag&)
{ // release resource and take ownership of _Other._Ptr
_Reset(static_cast<_Elem *>(_Other._Ptr), _Other._Rep);
} template<class _Ty2>
void _Reset(const _Ptr_base<_Ty2>& _Other, const _Const_tag&)
{ // release resource and take ownership of _Other._Ptr
_Reset(const_cast<_Elem *>(_Other._Ptr), _Other._Rep);
} template<class _Ty2>
void _Reset(const _Ptr_base<_Ty2>& _Other, const _Dynamic_tag&)
{ // release resource and take ownership of _Other._Ptr
_Elem *_Ptr = dynamic_cast<_Elem *>(_Other._Ptr);
if (_Ptr)
_Reset(_Ptr, _Other._Rep);
} template<class _Ty2>
void _Reset(auto_ptr<_Ty2>&& _Other)
{ // release resource and take _Other.get()
_Ty2 *_Px = _Other.get();
_Reset0(_Px, new _Ref_count<_Elem>(_Px));
_Enable_shared(_Px, _Rep);
} #if _HAS_CPP0X
template<class _Ty2>
void _Reset(_Ty *_Ptr, const _Ptr_base<_Ty2>& _Other)
{ // release resource and alias _Ptr with _Other_rep
_Reset(_Ptr, _Other._Rep);
#endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */ void _Reset(_Ty *_Other_ptr, _Ref_count_base *_Other_rep)
{ // release resource and take _Other_ptr through _Other_rep
if (_Other_rep)
_Reset0(_Other_ptr, _Other_rep);
} void _Reset(_Ty *_Other_ptr, _Ref_count_base *_Other_rep, bool _Throw)
{ // take _Other_ptr through _Other_rep from weak_ptr if not expired
// otherwise, leave in default state if !_Throw,
// otherwise throw exception
if (_Other_rep && _Other_rep->_Incref_nz())
_Reset0(_Other_ptr, _Other_rep);
else if (_Throw)
_THROW_NCEE(bad_weak_ptr, );
------------------------------------------------------------ _Ptr_base的_Resetw函数 ------------------------------------------------------------
除此之外,我们还可以发现_Ptr_base中还有几个类似的函数_Resetw,这几个函数是为了被weak_ptr调用的,在这里我们不详细说,但在下面讨论_Ref_count_base 的时候会被提及。
void _Resetw()
{ // release weak reference to resource
_Resetw((_Elem *), );
} template<class _Ty2>
void _Resetw(const _Ptr_base<_Ty2>& _Other)
{ // release weak reference to resource and take _Other._Ptr
_Resetw(_Other._Ptr, _Other._Rep);
} template<class _Ty2>
void _Resetw(const _Ty2 *_Other_ptr, _Ref_count_base *_Other_rep)
{ // point to _Other_ptr through _Other_rep
_Resetw(const_cast<_Ty2*>(_Other_ptr), _Other_rep);
} template<class _Ty2>
void _Resetw(_Ty2 *_Other_ptr, _Ref_count_base *_Other_rep)
{ // point to _Other_ptr through _Other_rep
if (_Other_rep)
if (_Rep != )
_Rep = _Other_rep;
_Ptr = _Other_ptr;
--------------------------------------------------------------- _Ref_count_base ---------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void _Destroy() = 0;
virtual void _Delete_this() = 0;
_Atomic_counter_t _Uses;
_Atomic_counter_t _Weaks;
从名字可以猜测出来 _Uses 是shared_ptr的引用计数, _Weaks 是weak_ptr的引用计数
为什么我们需要 _Weaks 呢? 因为在_Uses 引用计数为0(最后一个shared_ptr已经被析构)的时候我们就应该析构掉真正的指针,但问题是这个引用计数对象本身也是一个指针,那么这个引用计数也要在这时候被析构吗?使用过shared_ptr的朋友会知道,shared_ptr 有一个与之紧密相连的类 weak_ptr 实际上由一个shared_ptr 产生的weak_ptr是共享同一个引用计数对象的(这样子weak_ptr就可以知道真正的指针是否被析构掉了)。如果所以 shared_ptr 都被析构掉了同时其引用计数对象,但析构掉了,但有这个 shared_ptr 产生的 weak_ptr 仍然存在那么就可能导致 weak_ptr 访问一个已经被析构的指针。 因此应该是所有的 shared_ptr 与其 产生的weak_ptr 都被析构掉了,其引用计数对象才被析构掉。
PS: #define _MT_DECR _InterlockedIncrement(reinterpret_cast<volatile long *>(&x))
void _Decref()
{ // decrement use count
if (_MT_DECR(_Ignored, _Uses) == )
{ // destroy managed resource, decrement weak reference count
} void _Decwref()
{ // decrement weak reference count
if (_MT_DECR(_Ignored, _Weaks) == )
PS: #define _MT_INCR(mtx, x)_InterlockedIncrement(reinterpret_cast<volatile long *>(&x))
void _Incref()
{ // increment use count
_MT_INCR(_Ignored, _Uses);
} void _Incwref()
{ // increment weak reference count
_MT_INCR(_Ignored, _Weaks);
再补上 _Ref_count_base 的构造函数
{ // construct
_Init_atomic_counter(_Uses, );
_Init_atomic_counter(_Weaks, );
我们可以看到 _Ref_count_base 构造函数中对 _Uses 与 _Weaks 初始化引用计数为1,_Uses 为0时析构指针, _Weaks 为0时析构引用计数对象。
比较有趣的是我们可以从 weak_ptr 指针 lock 出一个 shared_ptr 指针的时候,会调用_Ref_count_base 类的函数 _Incref_nz,这个函数检查引用计数对象的引用计数是否为0,非零(未析构真正指针)的时候就可以增加一个引用计数。这里面为了 Lock-Free 调用了函数 _InterlockedCompareExchange。
bool _Incref_nz()
{ // increment use count if not zero, return true if successful
for (; ; )
{ // loop until state is known
#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_CEE_PURE)
_Atomic_integral_t _Count =
static_cast<volatile _Atomic_counter_t&>(_Uses); if (_Count == )
return (false); if (static_cast<_Atomic_integral_t>(_InterlockedCompareExchange(
reinterpret_cast<volatile long *>(&_Uses),
_Count + , _Count)) == _Count)
return (true);
#else /* defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_CEE_PURE) */
_Atomic_integral_t _Count =
_Load_atomic_counter_explicit(_Uses, memory_order_relaxed); if (_Count == )
return (false); if (_Compare_increment_atomic_counter_explicit(
_Uses, _Count, memory_order_relaxed))
return (true);
#endif /* defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_CEE_PURE) */
因为 _Ref_count_base 里面的引用计数增加/减少都是Lock-Free的,因此对shared_ptr的引用计数是多线程安全的。
--------------------------------------------------------------- shared_ptr的线程安全---------------------------------------------------------------
void swap(_Myt& _Other) _NOEXCEPT
{ // swap pointers
void _Swap(_Ptr_base& _Right)
{ // swap pointers
_STD swap(_Rep, _Right._Rep);
_STD swap(_Ptr, _Right._Ptr);
shared_ptr objects offer the same level of thread safety as builtin types.
A shared_ptr instance can be "read" (accessed using only const operations) simultaneously by multiple threads.
Different shared_ptr instances can be "written to" (accessed using mutable operations such as operator= or reset) simultaneosly
by multiple threads (even when these instances are copies, and share the same reference count underneath.)
Any other simultaneous accesses result in undefined behavior.
shared_ptr 对象提供与内建类型一样的线程安全级别。一个 shared_ptr 实例可以同时被多个线程“读”(仅使用不变操作进行访问)。 不同的 shared_ptr 实例可以同时被多个线程“写入”(使用类似 operator= 或 reset 这样的可变操作进行访问)(即使这些实 例是拷贝,而且共享下层的引用计数)。
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- C++11智能指针的深度理解
平时习惯使用cocos2d-x的Ref内存模式,回过头来在控制台项目中觉得c++的智能指针有点生疏,于是便重温一下.首先有请c++智能指针们登场: std::auto_ptr.std::unique_ ...
- C++11智能指针 share_ptr,unique_ptr,weak_ptr用法
0x01 智能指针简介 所谓智能指针(smart pointer)就是智能/自动化的管理指针所指向的动态资源的释放.它是存储指向动态分配(堆)对象指针的类,用于生存期控制,能够确保自动正确的销毁动 ...
- C++11智能指针原理和实现
一.智能指针起因 在C++中,动态内存的管理是由程序员自己申请和释放的,用一对运算符完成:new和delete. new:在动态内存中为对象分配一块空间并返回一个指向该对象的指针: delete:指向 ...
- mysqldump 安全 --skip-add-drop-table
[root@localhost data]# mysqldump -uroot --master-data=2 -p --single-transaction --skip-add-drop-ta ...
- php常用代码(一)
一:获取上个小时 方法1:date("H",strtotime("-1 hours"); 方法2:date('H',time()-60*60); 方法3:ech ...
- ubuntu thrift 0.9.3编译安装
Table of Contents 1. 下载thrift源代码 2. 编译并安装 3. 运行测试程序 4. 安装 1 下载thrift源代码 git clone https://git-wip-us ...
- 如何编写自己的Linux安全检查脚本?
因为本人工作中要涉及到很多东西,审计(日志.数据神马的).源代码审计.渗透测试.开发一大堆东西,有些东西,越是深入去做,越会发现,没有工具或脚本,工作起来是有多么的坑. 工作的这段时间,自己写了几个工 ...
- C++面向对象设计
一. 组合(复合),继承,委托 1.composition(组合)has-a 1.1 组合举例:(Adapter 设计模式) 关系: 利用deque功能实现所有queue功能 template < ...
- Inversions
There are N integers (1<=N<=65537) A1, A2,.. AN (0<=Ai<=10^9). You need to find amount o ...
- ArcGIS 投影转换(AE)
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { CheckError(); this.checkEdit1.Enabled = ...
- 【阿里云产品公测】云引擎ACE新手实战基于Wordpress
[阿里云产品公测]云引擎ACE新手实战基于Wordpress 作者:阿里云用户imnpc ACE(Aliyun Cloud Engine) 是一款弹性.分布式的应用托管环境,支持Java.php多种语 ...
- nodejs(一) 简单登录验证 使用mongoose 操作MongoDB
---恢复内容开始--- 开发使用webstorm 9 新建nodejs+express 项目 newfarmer 文章目录 配置Mongoose 创建目录及文件 插入数据,POST提交JSON增加 ...
- Java Lock
JVM中的另一种锁Lock的实现.与synchronized不同的是,Lock完全用Java写成,在java这个层面是无关JVM实现的.在java.util.concurrent.locks包中有很多 ...