
mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);





查看Mongoose框架的源代码,看看作者是如何做集合命名规范的, 位于mongoose/lib/util.js模块中如下代码片段是集合命名的根源。

* Produces a collection name from model `name`.
* @param {String} name a model name
* @return {String} a collection name
* @api private
exports.toCollectionName = function (name, options) {
options = options || {};
if ('system.profile' === name) return name;
if ('system.indexes' === name) return name;
if (options.pluralization === false) return name;
return pluralize(name.toLowerCase());
* Pluralization rules.
* These rules are applied while processing the argument to `toCollectionName`.
* @deprecated remove in 4.x gh-1350
exports.pluralization = [
[/(m)an$/gi, '$1en'],
[/(pe)rson$/gi, '$1ople'],
[/(child)$/gi, '$1ren'],
[/^(ox)$/gi, '$1en'],
[/(ax|test)is$/gi, '$1es'],
[/(octop|vir)us$/gi, '$1i'],
[/(alias|status)$/gi, '$1es'],
[/(bu)s$/gi, '$1ses'],
[/(buffal|tomat|potat)o$/gi, '$1oes'],
[/([ti])um$/gi, '$1a'],
[/sis$/gi, 'ses'],
[/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/gi, '$1$2ves'],
[/(hive)$/gi, '$1s'],
[/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/gi, '$1ies'],
[/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/gi, '$1es'],
[/(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$/gi, '$1ices'],
[/([m|l])ouse$/gi, '$1ice'],
[/(quiz)$/gi, '$1zes'],
[/s$/gi, 's'],
[/([^a-z])$/, '$1'],
[/$/gi, 's']
var rules = exports.pluralization;
* Uncountable words.
* These words are applied while processing the argument to `toCollectionName`.
* @api public
exports.uncountables = [
var uncountables = exports.uncountables;
* Pluralize function.
* @author TJ Holowaychuk (extracted from _ext.js_)
* @param {String} string to pluralize
* @api private
function pluralize (str) {
var rule, found;
if (!~uncountables.indexOf(str.toLowerCase())){
found = rules.filter(function(rule){
return str.match(rule[0]);
if (found[0]) return str.replace(found[0][0], found[0][1]);
return str;

上面代码 对集合名称做了处理,uncountables是不可数名词,rules是一组正则匹配规则。

function pluralize(str)方法的处理思路是:





var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema; var BannerSchema = new Schema({
}, {collection : 'banner'});
module.exports = mongoose.model('Banner', BannerSchema);


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