
Assume the coasting is an infinite straight line. Land is in one side of coasting, sea in the other. Each small island is a point locating in the sea side. And any radar installation, locating on the coasting, can only cover d distance, so an island in the sea can be covered by a radius installation, if the distance between them is at most d.

We use Cartesian coordinate system, defining the coasting is the x-axis. The sea side is above x-axis, and the land side below. Given the position of each island in the sea, and given the distance of the coverage of the radar installation, your task is to write a program to find the minimal number of radar installations to cover all the islands. Note that the position of an island is represented by its x-y coordinates. 

Figure A Sample Input of Radar Installations


The input consists of several test cases. The first line of each case contains two integers n (1<=n<=1000) and d, where n is the number of islands in the sea and d is the distance of coverage of the radar installation. This is followed by n lines each containing two integers representing the coordinate of the position of each island. Then a blank line follows to separate the cases.

The input is terminated by a line containing pair of zeros


For each test case output one line consisting of the test case number followed by the minimal number of radar installations needed. "-1" installation means no solution for that case.

Sample Input

3 2
1 2
-3 1
2 1 1 2
0 2 0 0

Sample Output

Case 1: 2
Case 2: 1 先算出每个岛放探测雷达的x坐标范围,b为雷达探测半径,岛的坐标为(x,y),雷达的坐标范围是(x-sqrt(d*d-y*y),x+sqrt(d*d-y*y)),定义sum=1,i从1开始,每个坐标范围左右边界与上一个坐标范围的右边界比较,具体看代码。
using namespace std;
struct stu
double l,r;
} st[];
bool cmp(stu a,stu b)
return a.l<b.l;
int main()
int a,s,k=,sum,i;
double b,x,y,sky;
while(scanf("%d %lf",&a,&b) &&!(a==&&b==))
for(i = ; i < a ; i++)
scanf("%lf %lf",&x,&y);
if(b < || y > b)
if(s == -) printf("Case %d: -1\n",k);
for(i = ; i < a ; i++)
if(st[i].r <= sky)
if(st[i].l > sky)
printf("Case %d: %d\n",k,sum);
} }

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