leetcode_919. Complete Binary Tree Inserter
CBTInserter(TreeNode root)
initializes the data structure on a given tree with head noderoot
;CBTInserter.insert(int v)
will insert aTreeNode
into the tree with valuenode.val = v
so that the tree remains complete, and returns the value of the parent of the insertedTreeNode
will return the head node of the tree.
解法一:dfs based
- class CBTInserter{
- public:
- void preorder(TreeNode* root,int layer){
- if(layer>maxlayer){
- maxlayer = layer;
- numoflastlayer = ;
- }else if(layer == maxlayer)
- numoflastlayer++;
- if(root->left!=NULL)
- preorder(root->left, layer+);
- if(root->right!=NULL)
- preorder(root->right, layer+);
- }
- CBTInserter(TreeNode* root){
- root_ =root;
- maxlayer=-;
- numoflastlayer=;
- preorder(root,);
- }
- TreeNode* Insert(TreeNode* root, int v, int layer, int insertlayer){
- if(layer == insertlayer-){
- if(root->left == NULL){
- root->left = new TreeNode(v);
- return root;
- }else if(root->right == NULL){
- root->right = new TreeNode(v);
- return root;
- }
- }else{
- TreeNode* res = Insert(root->left, v, layer+, insertlayer);
- if(res == NULL)
- res = Insert(root->right, v, layer+, insertlayer);
- return res;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- int insert(int v){int maxnumoflastlayer = pow(, maxlayer);
- TreeNode* res = NULL;
- if(numoflastlayer<maxnumoflastlayer){
- res = Insert(root_,v,, maxlayer);
- numoflastlayer++;
- }else{
- res = Insert(root_,v,,maxlayer+);
- maxlayer++;
- numoflastlayer=;
- }
- return res->val;
- }
- TreeNode* get_root(){
- return root_;
- }
- private:
- TreeNode* root_;
- int maxlayer;
- int numoflastlayer;
- };
解法二:bfs based
- class CBTInserter{
- public:
- TreeNode* root_;
- queue<TreeNode*> nodes_0_1;
- CBTInserter(TreeNode* root){
- root_ = root;
- queue<TreeNode*> que;
- que.push(root);
- while(!que.empty()){
- TreeNode* now = que.front();
- que.pop();
- if(now->left == NULL)
- nodes_0_1.push(now);
- else if(now->right == NULL)
- nodes_0_1.push(now);
- else{
- que.push(now->left);
- que.push(now->right);
- }
- }
- }
- int insert(int v){
- TreeNode* root = nodes_0_1.front();
- if(root->left!=NULL){
- root->right = new TreeNode(v);
- nodes_0_1.pop();
- nodes_0_1.push(root->left);
- nodes_0_1.push(root->right);
- }
- else
- root->left = new TreeNode(v);
- return root->val;
- }
- TreeNode* get_root(){
- return root_;
- }
- };
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