[oracle@osb ~]$ env | grep ORA
[oracle@osb ~]$ emca -config dbcontrol db -repos recreate STARTED EMCA at Dec 14, 2012 7:55:17 PM
EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Enter the following information:
Database SID: ACE
Listener port number:
Listener ORACLE_HOME [ /oracle/product/11201/db ]: <-- Enter using default value
Password for SYS user: <-- sys password
Password for DBSNMP user: <-- dbsnmp password
Password for SYSMAN user: <-- sysman password
Email address for notifications (optional): <-- Optional. I left it blank.
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications (optional): <-- Optinal.I left it blank.
----------------------------------------------------------------- You have specified the following settings Database ORACLE_HOME ................ /oracle/product/11201/db Local hostname ................ osb
Listener ORACLE_HOME ................ /oracle/product/11201/db
Listener port number ................ 1521
Database SID ................ ACE
Email address for notifications ...............
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications ............... -----------------------------------------------------------------
Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: Y
Dec 14, 2012 7:57:04 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
INFO: This operation is being logged at /oracle/cfgtoollogs/emca/ACE/emca_2012_12_14_19_55_17.log.
Dec 14, 2012 7:57:10 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Dropping the EM repository (this may take a while) ...
Dec 14, 2012 8:02:32 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Repository successfully dropped
Dec 14, 2012 8:02:32 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig createRepository
INFO: Creating the EM repository (this may take a while) ...
Dec 14, 2012 8:11:46 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Repository successfully created
Dec 14, 2012 8:12:10 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig uploadConfigDataToRepository
INFO: Uploading configuration data to EM repository (this may take a while) ...
Dec 14, 2012 8:13:32 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Uploaded configuration data successfully
Dec 14, 2012 8:13:36 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil configureSoftwareLib
INFO: Software library configured successfully.
Dec 14, 2012 8:13:36 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig configureSoftwareLibrary
INFO: Deploying Provisioning archives ...
Dec 14, 2012 8:14:07 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig configureSoftwareLibrary
INFO: Provisioning archives deployed successfully.
Dec 14, 2012 8:14:07 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil secureDBConsole
INFO: Securing Database Control (this may take a while) ...
Dec 14, 2012 8:14:48 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil secureDBConsole
INFO: Database Control secured successfully.
Dec 14, 2012 8:14:48 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil startOMS
INFO: Starting Database Control (this may take a while) ...
Dec 14, 2012 8:15:52 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig performConfiguration
INFO: Database Control started successfully
Dec 14, 2012 8:15:52 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig performConfiguration
INFO: >>>>>>>>>>> The Database Control URL is https://osb:5501/em <<<<<<<<<<< <-- The url marked is we wanted.
Dec 14, 2012 8:15:58 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig invoke
************************ WARNING ************************ Management Repository has been placed in secure mode wherein Enterprise Manager data will be encrypted. The encryption key has been placed in the file: /oracle/product/11201/db/osb_ACE/sysman/config/emkey.ora. Please ensure this file is backed up as the encrypted data will become unusable if this file is lost. ***********************************************************
Enterprise Manager configuration completed successfully
FINISHED EMCA at Dec 14, 2012 8:15:58 PM

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