SPOJ 15. The Shortest Path 最短路径题解
You are given a list of cities. Each direct connection between two cities has its transportation cost (an integer bigger than 0). The goal is to find the paths of minimum cost between pairs of cities. Assume that the cost of each path (which is the sum of costs
of all direct connections belongning to this path) is at most 200000. The name of a city is a string containing characters a,...,z and is at most 10 characters long.
s [the number of tests <= 10]
n [the number of cities <= 10000]
NAME [city name]
p [the number of neighbours of city NAME]
nr cost [nr - index of a city connected to NAME (the index of the first city is 1)]
[cost - the transportation cost]
r [the number of paths to find <= 100]
NAME1 NAME2 [NAME1 - source, NAME2 - destination]
[empty line separating the tests]
cost [the minimum transportation cost from city NAME1 to city NAME2 (one per line)]
2 1
3 3
1 1
3 1
4 4
1 3
2 1
4 1
2 4
3 1
gdansk warszawa
bydgoszcz warszawa Output:
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std; class TheShortestPath15
struct Node
int des, weight;
Node *next;
Node(int d, int w) : des(d), weight(w), next(NULL) {}
}; struct AdjList
Node *head;
AdjList() : head(NULL) {}
}; struct Graph
int v;
AdjList *arr;
Graph(int v1) : v(v1)
arr = new AdjList[v];
for (int i = 0; i < v; i++)
Node *h = arr[i].head;
while (h)
Node *next = h->next;
delete h, h = NULL;
h = next;
delete arr, arr = NULL;
}; void addEdge(Graph *gra, int src, int des, int w)
Node *n = new Node(des, w);
n->next = gra->arr[src].head;
gra->arr[src].head = n;
n = new Node(src, w);
n->next = gra->arr[des].head;
gra->arr[des].head = n;
} struct HeapNode
int v, dist;
explicit HeapNode(int v1, int d) : v(v1), dist(d) {}
}; struct Heap
int size, cap;
int *pos;
HeapNode **arr;
Heap(int c) : cap(c), size(0)
pos = new int[c];
arr = new HeapNode*[c];
delete [] pos, pos = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (arr[i]) delete arr[i], arr[i] = NULL;
delete [] arr;
}; void swapHeapNodes(HeapNode **a, HeapNode **b)
HeapNode *c = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = c;
} void heapify(Heap *heap, int node)
if (!heap) return ;
int minN = node;
int left = (node<<1) + 1;
int right = (node<<1) + 2; if (left < heap->size &&
heap->arr[left]->dist < heap->arr[minN]->dist) minN = left; if (right < heap->size &&
heap->arr[right]->dist < heap->arr[minN]->dist) minN = right; if (minN != node)
heap->pos[heap->arr[minN]->v] = node;
heap->pos[heap->arr[node]->v] = minN; swapHeapNodes(&heap->arr[minN], &heap->arr[node]); heapify(heap, minN);
} inline bool isEmpty(Heap *heap)
return heap->size == 0;
} HeapNode *extraMin(Heap *heap)
if (isEmpty(heap)) return NULL; HeapNode *root = heap->arr[0];
HeapNode *last = heap->arr[heap->size-1];
heap->arr[0] = last;//别漏了这步。 heap->pos[root->v] = heap->size-1;
heap->pos[last->v] = 0; --heap->size; //别忘记先--
heapify(heap, 0); return root;
} void decreaseKey(Heap *heap, int v, int dist)
int i = heap->pos[v]; heap->arr[i]->dist = dist; while (i && heap->arr[i]->dist < heap->arr[(i-1)>>1]->dist)
heap->pos[heap->arr[i]->v] = (i-1)>>1;
heap->pos[heap->arr[(i-1)>>1]->v] = i; swapHeapNodes(&heap->arr[i], &heap->arr[(i-1)>>1]); i = (i-1)>>1;
} inline bool isInHeap(Heap *heap, int v)
return heap->pos[v] < heap->size;
} void dijsktra(Graph *gra, int src, int des, int dist[])
Heap *heap = new Heap(gra->v);
heap->size = gra->v; for (int i = 0; i < gra->v; i++)
dist[i] = INT_MAX;
heap->pos[i] = i;
heap->arr[i] = new HeapNode(i, dist[i]);
} dist[src] = 0;
decreaseKey(heap, src, 0); while (!isEmpty(heap))
HeapNode *hn = extraMin(heap);
int u = hn->v;
delete hn, hn = NULL; if (u == des) break; //这里添加代码。仅仅找到目标节点就可返回了
if (dist[u] == INT_MAX) break; Node *n = gra->arr[u].head;
while (n)
if (isInHeap(heap, n->des) &&
n->weight + dist[u] < dist[n->des])
dist[n->des] = n->weight + dist[u];
decreaseKey(heap, n->des, dist[n->des]);
n = n->next;
delete heap;
} public:
int s, n, p, nr, cost, r;
map<string, int> cities;
string name;
scanf("%d", &s);
while (s--)
scanf("%d", &n);
Graph *gra = new Graph(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cities[name] = i; scanf("%d", &p);
while (p--)
scanf("%d %d", &nr, &cost);
addEdge(gra, i, nr-1, cost);
scanf("%d", &r);
while (r--)
int src = cities[name]; cin>>name;
int des = cities[name]; int *dist = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
dijsktra(gra, src, des, dist);
printf("%d\n", dist[des]);
if (dist) free(dist);
delete gra;
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