1.获取TFS Dto实例,并且可以获取项目集合,以及单独获取某个项目实体
public static TFSServerBll Instance = new TFSServerBll();
public TFSServerDto dto;
public TFSServerBll()
dto = new TFSServerDto("http://server:8080/tfs/Project/");
public TFSServerBll(string TfsUri)
dto = new TFSServerDto(TfsUri);
/// <summary>
/// 获取项目集合
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ProjectCollection GetProjectList()
return dto.GetProjectList();
public Project GetProject(int projectId)
return dto.GetProject(projectId);
/// <summary>
/// 获取项目的所有数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="project"></param>
public void GetProjectInfo(Project project)
TfsSprint projectSprint = GetSprintInfo(project.Uri.ToString());
GetProjectSprintPBIandBUG(projectSprint, project);
} /// <summary>
/// 获取某项目所有Sprint的PBI和BUG
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectSprint"></param>
/// <param name="project"></param>
public void GetProjectSprintPBIandBUG(TfsSprint projectSprint, Project project)
IEnumerable<ScheduleInfo> list = GetFinalBugInfo(project); foreach (Sprint sprint in projectSprint.SprintList)
sprint.PBIInfo = GetSimplePbi(project.Name, sprint.SprintPath);
if (list.Count() > )
foreach (ScheduleInfo info in list)
if (info.Path == sprint.SprintPath)
sprint.BugInfo = new TfsBug() { New = info.NewBug, Done = info.Closed, opening = info.OpenBug };
sprint.BugInfo = new TfsBug() { New = , Done = , opening = };
string s = "";
} private TfsPBI GetSimplePbi(string projectName, string IterationSprint)
WorkItemCollection total = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Product Backlog Item", projectName, "[Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection doneCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Product Backlog Item", projectName, "[State]='Done' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
double totaleffort = GetPBIEffort(total);
double doneeffort = GetPBIEffort(doneCollection);
double effortPercent = doneeffort / totaleffort;
TfsPBI pbiinfo = new TfsPBI()
Total = total.Count,
Done = doneCollection.Count,
EffoctPercent = effortPercent,
EffoctCurrent = (int)doneeffort,
EffoctTotal = (int)totaleffort
return pbiinfo;
} private TfsBug GetSimpleBug(string projectName, string IterationSprint)
WorkItemCollection total = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection NewCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='New' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection doneCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='Done' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection RemovedCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='Removed' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
TfsBug buginfo = new TfsBug()
Total = total.Count,
New = NewCollection.Count,
Done = doneCollection.Count,
return buginfo;
/// <summary>
/// 获得某项目的BUG数量信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public TfsBug GetBugInfo(string projectName, string IterationSprint)
WorkItemCollection bugCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection bugNewCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='New' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection bugApprovedCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='Approved' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection bugCommittedCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='Committed' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection bugDoneCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='Done' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection bugRemovedCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='Removed' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
TfsBug buginfo = new TfsBug()
Total = bugCollection.Count,
New = bugNewCollection.Count,
Approved = bugApprovedCollection.Count,
Committed = bugCommittedCollection.Count,
Done = bugDoneCollection.Count,
Removed = bugRemovedCollection.Count
return buginfo;
} /// <summary>
/// 获取整个项目的PBI信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ProjectView GetAllInfo(String projectName)
WorkItemCollection total = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Product Backlog Item", projectName, string.Empty);
WorkItemCollection doneCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Product Backlog Item", projectName, "[State]='Done'");
WorkItemCollection RemovedCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Product Backlog Item", projectName, "[State]='Removed'");
double totaleffort = GetPBIEffort(total);
double doneeffort = GetPBIEffort(doneCollection);
double removedeffort = GetPBIEffort(RemovedCollection);
double effortPercent = ;
effortPercent = doneeffort / totaleffort; WorkItemCollection RiskOpenCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Impediment", projectName, "[State]='Open'");
int riskopenCount = RiskOpenCollection.Count; WorkItemCollection totalBug = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, string.Empty);
WorkItemCollection doneCollectionBug = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='Done'");
WorkItemCollection RemovedCollectionBug = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='Removed'");
int openbugCount = totalBug.Count - doneCollectionBug.Count - RemovedCollectionBug.Count; ProjectView view = new ProjectView() { PbiPercent = effortPercent, OpenBugCount = openbugCount, OpenRiskCount = riskopenCount, TotalPbiEffort = totaleffort};
return view;
/// <summary>
/// 获得某项目的PBI数量信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public TfsPBI GetPBIInfo(string projectName, string IterationSprint)
WorkItemCollection total = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Product Backlog Item", projectName, "[Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection newcollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Product Backlog Item", projectName, "[State]='New' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection approvedCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Product Backlog Item", projectName, "[State]='Approved' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection committedCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Product Backlog Item", projectName, "[State]='Committed' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection doneCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Product Backlog Item", projectName, "[State]='Done' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'");
WorkItemCollection removedCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Product Backlog Item", projectName, "[State]='Removed' and [Iteration Path]='" + IterationSprint + "'"); double totaleffort = GetPBIEffort(total);
double doneeffort=GetPBIEffort(doneCollection);
double effortPercent = doneeffort / totaleffort;
TfsPBI pbiinfo = new TfsPBI()
Total = total.Count,
New = newcollection.Count,
Approved = approvedCollection.Count,
Committed = committedCollection.Count,
Done = doneCollection.Count,
Removed = removedCollection.Count,
EffoctPercent = effortPercent,
return pbiinfo;
public double GetPBIEffort(WorkItemCollection collection)
double totalEff=;
foreach (WorkItem item in collection)
object o=item.Fields.GetById().Value;
if (o != null)
totalEff += (double)o; }
return totalEff;
/// <summary>
/// 获得某项目的Risk数量信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<TfsRiskInfo> GetRiskInfo(string projectName)
WorkItemCollection RiskOpenCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Impediment", projectName, "[State]='Open'"); List<TfsRiskInfo> list = new List<TfsRiskInfo>();
foreach (WorkItem item in RiskOpenCollection)
list.Add(new TfsRiskInfo() { RiskInfo=item.Description, RiskStatus="Open",RiskId=item.Id.ToString()});
return list;
} /// <summary>
/// 获取Sprint信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectUri"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public TfsSprint GetSprintInfo(String projectUri)
TeamSettings setting= dto.GetSprintInfo(projectUri);
TfsSprint tfssprint = new TfsSprint();
tfssprint.SprintCount=setting.IterationPaths.Count(); IEnumerable<string> ea_items =
from name in setting.IterationPaths.ToList()
where name.Contains("Sprint")
select name;
List<Sprint> list = new List<Sprint>();
foreach (string path in ea_items)
string sprintnum = path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf("Sprint") + ).Trim();
string sprintname ="Sprint "+sprintnum;
list.Add(new Sprint() { SprintName = sprintname, SprintNum = int.Parse(sprintnum), SprintPath = path });
list.Sort((x, y) => x.SprintNum - y.SprintNum);
tfssprint.SprintList = list;
return tfssprint;
public IEnumerable<ScheduleInfo> GetSprintDate(string projectUri)
return dto.GetIterationDates(projectUri);
/// <summary>
/// 获取团队成员信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectUri"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<TfsMember> GetMemberInfo(String projectUri)
var list=new List<TfsMember>();
var members=dto.GetMemberInfo(projectUri);
foreach (TeamFoundationIdentity member in members)
var m = new TfsMember() { UserName=member.DisplayName,UserSimpleName=member.UniqueName.Substring(member.UniqueName.IndexOf('\\')+)};
return list;
} public IEnumerable<ScheduleInfo> GetFinalBugInfo(Project project)
IEnumerable<ScheduleInfo> sprintlist = GetSprintDate(project.Uri.ToString());
int newbug = ;
int openbug = ;
int closed = ;
int Totalbug = ;
foreach (ScheduleInfo info in sprintlist)
{ TfsBug bug = GetSingleBug(project.Name, info.StartDate,info.EndDate);
info.NewBug = bug.New;
info.Closed = bug.Done;
Totalbug += bug.New;
openbug = Totalbug - info.Closed;
info.OpenBug = openbug;
return sprintlist;
} private TfsBug GetSingleBug(string projectName,DateTime? createdate,DateTime? enddate)
WorkItemCollection total = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[Created Date]>'" + createdate + "' and [Closed Date]<'"+enddate+"'");
WorkItemCollection NewCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='New' and [Created Date]>'" + createdate + "' and [Closed Date]<'" + enddate + "'");
WorkItemCollection doneCollection = dto.GetWorkItemCollection("Bug", projectName, "[State]='Done' and [Created Date]>'" + createdate + "' and [Closed Date]<'" + enddate + "'");
TfsBug buginfo = new TfsBug()
Total = total.Count,
New = NewCollection.Count,
Done = doneCollection.Count
return buginfo;
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