
unsigned DgmOctree::executeFunctionForAllCellsAtLevel(	unsigned char level,
octreeCellFunc func,
void** additionalParameters,
bool multiThread/*=false*/,
GenericProgressCallback* progressCb/*=0*/,
const char* functionTitle/*=0*/,
int maxThreadCount/*=0*/)


unsigned DgmOctree::executeFunctionForAllCellsStartingAtLevel(unsigned char startingLevel,
octreeCellFunc func,
void** additionalParameters,
unsigned minNumberOfPointsPerCell,
unsigned maxNumberOfPointsPerCell,
bool multiThread/* = true*/,
GenericProgressCallback* progressCb/*=0*/,
const char* functionTitle/*=0*/,
int maxThreadCount/*=0*/)


//! The coded octree structure
cellsContainer m_thePointsAndTheirCellCodes;


	const cellsContainer& pointsAndTheirCellCodes() const
return m_thePointsAndTheirCellCodes;

  注意octreeCellFunc 回调函数的参数,第一个是const引用传递参数,值不可以修改。

typedef bool (*octreeCellFunc)(const octreeCell& cell, void**, NormalizedProgress*);


if (!m_app)
return; const ccHObject::Container& selectedEntities = m_app->getSelectedEntities();
size_t selNum = selectedEntities.size();
if (selNum!=1)
m_app->dispToConsole("Select only one cloud!",ccMainAppInterface::ERR_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);
} ccHObject* ent = selectedEntities[0];
if (!ent || !ent->isA(CC_TYPES::POINT_CLOUD))
m_app->dispToConsole("Select a real point cloud!",ccMainAppInterface::ERR_CONSOLE_MESSAGE);
} ccPointCloud* theCloud = static_cast<ccPointCloud*>(ent);
if (!theCloud)
float kernelRadius=1;
unsigned count = theCloud->size();
bool hasNorms = theCloud->hasNormals();
CCVector3 bbMin, bbMax;
const CCVector3d& globalShift = theCloud->getGlobalShift();
double globalScale = theCloud->getGlobalScale();
ccProgressDialog pDlg(true,m_app->getMainWindow());
unsigned numberOfPoints = theCloud->size();
if (numberOfPoints < 5)
return ;
CCLib::DgmOctree* theOctree = NULL;
if (!theOctree)
theOctree = new CCLib::DgmOctree(theCloud);
if (theOctree->build(&pDlg) < 1)
delete theOctree;
return ;
int result = 0;
QString sfName="Eigen_Value";
int sfIdx = -1;
ccPointCloud* pc = 0;
if (theCloud->isA(CC_TYPES::POINT_CLOUD))
pc = static_cast<ccPointCloud*>(theCloud); sfIdx = pc->getScalarFieldIndexByName(qPrintable(sfName));
if (sfIdx < 0)
sfIdx = pc->addScalarField(qPrintable(sfName));
if (sfIdx >= 0)
ccConsole::Error(QString("Failed to create scalar field on cloud '%1' (not enough memory?)").arg(pc->getName()));
unsigned char level = theOctree->findBestLevelForAGivenNeighbourhoodSizeExtraction(kernelRadius); //parameters
void* additionalParameters[1] = {static_cast<void*>(&kernelRadius) }; if (theOctree->executeFunctionForAllCellsAtLevel(level,
"Eigen value Computation") == 0)
//something went wrong
result = -4;
} //number of cells for this level
unsigned cellCount = theOctree->getCellNumber(level);
unsigned maxCellPopulation =theOctree->getmaxCellPopulation(level); //cell descriptor (initialize it with first cell/point)
CCLib::DgmOctree::octreeCell cell(theOctree);
if (!cell.points->reserve(maxCellPopulation)) //not enough memory
cell.level = level;
cell.index = 0; CCLib::DgmOctree::cellIndexesContainer vec;
catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
//not enough memory
} //binary shift for cell code truncation
unsigned char bitDec = GET_NDT_BIT_SHIFT(level); CCLib::DgmOctree::cellsContainer::const_iterator p =theOctree->pointsAndTheirCellCodes().begin(); CCLib::DgmOctree::OctreeCellCodeType predCode = (p->theCode >> bitDec)+1; //pred value must be different than the first element's for (unsigned i=0,j=0; i<theOctree->getNumberOfProjectedPoints(); ++i,++p)
CCLib::DgmOctree::OctreeCellCodeType currentCode = (p->theCode >> bitDec); if (predCode != currentCode)
vec[j++] = i;//存储索引 int n=cell.points->size();
CCVector3d Psum(0,0,0);
for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
CCVector3 P;
Psum.x += P.x;
Psum.y += P.y;
Psum.z += P.z;
ScalarType curv = NAN_VALUE;
CCVector3 G(static_cast<PointCoordinateType>(Psum.x / n),
static_cast<PointCoordinateType>(Psum.y / n),
static_cast<PointCoordinateType>(Psum.z / n) ); double mXX = 0.0;
double mYY = 0.0;
double mZZ = 0.0;
double mXY = 0.0;
double mXZ = 0.0;
double mYZ = 0.0;
//for each point in the cell
for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
CCVector3 CellP;
CCVector3 P = CellP - G; mXX += static_cast<double>(P.x)*P.x;
mYY += static_cast<double>(P.y)*P.y;
mZZ += static_cast<double>(P.z)*P.z;
mXY += static_cast<double>(P.x)*P.y;
mXZ += static_cast<double>(P.x)*P.z;
mYZ += static_cast<double>(P.y)*P.z;
CCLib::SquareMatrixd covMat(3);
covMat.m_values[0][0] = mXX/n;
covMat.m_values[1][1] = mYY/n;
covMat.m_values[2][2] = mZZ/n;
covMat.m_values[1][0] = covMat.m_values[0][1] = mXY/n;
covMat.m_values[2][0] = covMat.m_values[0][2] = mXZ/n;
covMat.m_values[2][1] = covMat.m_values[1][2] = mYZ/n; CCLib::SquareMatrixd eigVectors;
std::vector<double> eigValues; if (!Jacobi<double>::ComputeEigenValuesAndVectors(covMat, eigVectors, eigValues))
curv= NAN_VALUE;
//compute eigen value
double e0 = eigValues[0];
double e1 = eigValues[1];
double e2 = eigValues[2];
double sum = fabs(e0+e1+e2);
curv= NAN_VALUE;
} double eMin = std::min(std::min(e0,e1),e2);
curv= static_cast<ScalarType>(fabs(eMin) / sum); for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
//current point index
unsigned index = cell.points->getPointGlobalIndex(i);
//current point index in neighbourhood (to compute curvature at the right position!)
unsigned indexInNeighbourhood = 0; cell.points->setPointScalarValue(i,curv);
} //and we start a new cell开始新的Cell
cell.index += cell.points->size();
cell.truncatedCode = currentCode;
CCVector3 eigvalues1(e0,e1,e2);
} cell.points->addPointIndex(p->theIndex); //can't fail (see above)
predCode = currentCode;
} if (result == 0)
if (pc && sfIdx >= 0)
pc->showSF(sfIdx >= 0);
ccConsole::Warning(QString("Failed to apply processing to cloud '%1'").arg(theCloud->getName()));
if (pc && sfIdx >= 0)
sfIdx = -1;

  参考DgmOctree::getCellIndexes   DgmOctree::getPointsInCellByCellIndex

bool DgmOctreeNDT::getCellIndexes(unsigned char level, cellIndexesContainer& vec) const
catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
//not enough memory
return false;
} //binary shift for cell code truncation
unsigned char bitDec = GET_NDT_BIT_SHIFT(level); cellsContainer::const_iterator p = m_thePointsAndTheirCellCodes.begin(); OctreeCellCodeType predCode = (p->theCode >> bitDec)+; //pred value must be different than the first element's for (unsigned i=,j=; i<m_numberOfProjectedPoints; ++i,++p)
OctreeCellCodeType currentCode = (p->theCode >> bitDec); if (predCode != currentCode)
vec[j++] = i; predCode = currentCode;
} return true;


 bool DgmOctreeNDT::getPointsInCellByCellIndex(    ReferenceCloud* cloud,
unsigned cellIndex,
unsigned char level,
bool clearOutputCloud/* = true*/) const
assert(cloud && cloud->getAssociatedCloud() == m_theAssociatedCloud); //binary shift for cell code truncation
unsigned char bitDec = GET_NDT_BIT_SHIFT(level); //we look for the first index in 'm_thePointsAndTheirCellCodes' corresponding to this cell
cellsContainer::const_iterator p = m_thePointsAndTheirCellCodes.begin()+cellIndex;
OctreeCellCodeType searchCode = (p->theCode >> bitDec); if (clearOutputCloud)
cloud->clear(false); //while the (partial) cell code matches this cell
while ((p != m_thePointsAndTheirCellCodes.end()) && ((p->theCode >> bitDec) == searchCode))
if (!cloud->addPointIndex(p->theIndex))
return false;
} return true;




 bool qNDTRansacSD::computeCellEigenValueAtLevel(const CCNDTLib::DgmOctreeNDT::octreeCellNDT& cell,
void** additionalParameters,NormalizedProgress* nProgress/*=0*/)
PointCoordinateType radius = *static_cast<PointCoordinateType*>(additionalParameters[]); structure for nearest neighbors search
int n=cell.points->size();
CCVector3d Psum(,,);
for (unsigned i=; i<n; ++i)
CCVector3 P;
Psum.x += P.x;
Psum.y += P.y;
Psum.z += P.z;
ScalarType curv = NAN_VALUE;
CCVector3 G(static_cast<PointCoordinateType>(Psum.x / n),
static_cast<PointCoordinateType>(Psum.y / n),
static_cast<PointCoordinateType>(Psum.z / n) ); double mXX = 0.0;
double mYY = 0.0;
double mZZ = 0.0;
double mXY = 0.0;
double mXZ = 0.0;
double mYZ = 0.0;
//for each point in the cell
for (unsigned i=; i<n; ++i)
CCVector3 CellP;
CCVector3 P = CellP - G; mXX += static_cast<double>(P.x)*P.x;
mYY += static_cast<double>(P.y)*P.y;
mZZ += static_cast<double>(P.z)*P.z;
mXY += static_cast<double>(P.x)*P.y;
mXZ += static_cast<double>(P.x)*P.z;
mYZ += static_cast<double>(P.y)*P.z;
CCLib::SquareMatrixd covMat();
covMat.m_values[][] = mXX/n;
covMat.m_values[][] = mYY/n;
covMat.m_values[][] = mZZ/n;
covMat.m_values[][] = covMat.m_values[][] = mXY/n;
covMat.m_values[][] = covMat.m_values[][] = mXZ/n;
covMat.m_values[][] = covMat.m_values[][] = mYZ/n; CCLib::SquareMatrixd eigVectors;
std::vector<double> eigValues; if (!Jacobi<double>::ComputeEigenValuesAndVectors(covMat, eigVectors, eigValues))
curv= NAN_VALUE;
} //compute curvature as the rate of change of the surface
double e0 = eigValues[];
double e1 = eigValues[];
double e2 = eigValues[];
double sum = fabs(e0+e1+e2);
curv= NAN_VALUE;
} double eMin = std::min(std::min(e0,e1),e2);
curv= static_cast<ScalarType>(fabs(eMin) / sum); for (unsigned i=; i<n; ++i)
//current point index
unsigned index = cell.points->getPointGlobalIndex(i);
//current point index in neighbourhood (to compute curvature at the right position!)
unsigned indexInNeighbourhood = ; cell.points->setPointScalarValue(i,curv);
if (nProgress && !nProgress->oneStep())
return false;
} return true;



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