The paper:

Hui Zou, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani,

Sparse Principal Component Analysis,

Journal of computational and Graphical Statistics, 15(2): 265-286, 2006.

Reproduction of the Synthetic Example in Section 5.2 using R programming:


 ## sample version of SPCA
n =
v1 = rnorm(n,,sqrt())
v2 = rnorm(n,,sqrt())
v3 = -.*v1 + 0.925*v2 + rnorm(n)
x1 = v1 + rnorm(n)
x2 = v1 + rnorm(n)
x3 = v1 + rnorm(n)
x4 = v1 + rnorm(n) x5 = v2 + rnorm(n)
x6 = v2 + rnorm(n)
x7 = v2 + rnorm(n)
x8 = v2 + rnorm(n) x9 = v3 + rnorm(n)
x10 = v3 + rnorm(n) x = cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10)
x.cov = t(x) %*% x/n; head(x.cov)
a = spca(x, , type='predictor', sparse='varnum', para=c(,), lambda=)
## population version of SPCA
g1 = matrix(, , )
diag(g1) = g2 = matrix(, , )
diag(g2) = g3 = matrix(283.7875, , )
diag(g3) = diag(g3)+ g1g3 = matrix(-, , )
g2g3 = matrix(277.5, , ) # construct the exact covariance matrix
x.cov = matrix(, , )
x.cov[:,:] = g1
x.cov[:,:] = g2
x.cov[:,:] = g3
x.cov[:,:] = g1g3
x.cov[:,:] = t(g1g3)
x.cov[:,:] = g2g3
x.cov[:,:] = t(g2g3) b = spca(x.cov, , type='Gram', sparse='varnum', para=c(,), lambda=)

The results of the population version using exact covariance matrix are exactly as in the paper:

> b

spca(x = x.cov, K = , para = c(, ), type = "Gram", sparse = "varnum",
lambda = ) sparse PCs
Pct. of exp. var. : 40.9 39.5
Num. of non-zero loadings :
Sparse loadings
[,] 0.0 0.5
[,] 0.0 0.5
[,] 0.0 0.5
[,] 0.0 0.5
[,] 0.5 0.0
[,] 0.5 0.0
[,] 0.5 0.0
[,] 0.5 0.0
[,] 0.0 0.0
[,] 0.0 0.0

But the sample version may randomly vary a little.

> a

spca(x = x, K = , para = c(, ), type = "predictor", sparse = "varnum",
lambda = ) sparse PCs
Pct. of exp. var. : 37.9 37.6
Num. of non-zero loadings :
Sparse loadings
x1 0.000 -0.303
x2 0.000 -0.533
x3 0.000 -0.576
x4 0.000 -0.540
x5 -0.492 0.000
x6 -0.287 0.000
x7 -0.481 0.000
x8 -0.666 0.000
x9 0.000 0.000
x10 0.000 0.000

Having fun learning sparse PCA!

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