





 class Solution {
int allOne;
vector<vector<string>> ans;
vector<string> ret;
string tmp;
int N; vector<vector<string>> solveNQueens(int n) {
allOne = ( << n) - ;
tmp.assign(n, '.');
ret.assign(n, tmp);
N = n; solve(, , , ); return ans;
} // vd : 竖直方向
// ld : 左斜线方向
// rd : 右斜线方向
void solve(int level, int vd, int ld, int rd) {
if(level == N) {
} int limit = (vd | ld | rd) ^ allOne;
int pos; while(limit) {
pos = lowbit(limit);
limit = cutLowbit(limit); ret[level][N - __builtin_ffs(pos)] = 'Q';
solve(level + , vd | pos, ((ld | pos) >> ) & allOne, ((rd | pos) << ) & allOne);
ret[level][N - __builtin_ffs(pos)] = '.';
} int lowbit(int x) {
return x & (-x);
} int cutLowbit(int x) {
return x & (x - );
 class Solution {
int allOne;
int ans;
int N; int totalNQueens(int n) {
allOne = ( << n) - ;
ans = ;
N = n; solve(, , , ); return ans;
} // vd : 竖直方向
// ld : 左斜线方向
// rd : 右斜线方向
void solve(int level, int vd, int ld, int rd) {
if(level == N) {
} int limit = (vd | ld | rd) ^ allOne;
int pos; while(limit) {
pos = lowbit(limit);
limit = cutLowbit(limit); solve(level + , vd | pos, ((ld | pos) >> ) & allOne, ((rd | pos) << ) & allOne);
} int lowbit(int x) {
return x & (-x);
} int cutLowbit(int x) {
return x & (x - );

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