


class Solution(object):
def fractionAddition(self, expression):
:type expression: str
:rtype: str
def gcd(a, b):
if a % b == 0:
return b
return gcd(b, a % b)
def lcm(a,b):
return a * b / gcd(a,b)
if expression[0] == '-':
expression = '0/1' + expression
expression += '#'
operators = ['+','-']
operator = ''
next = ''
res = ''
for i in expression:
if i in operators or i == '#':
if operator == '':
operator = i
res = next
next = ''
fl = res.split('/')
sl = next.split('/')
denominator = lcm(int(fl[1]),int(sl[1]))
if operator == '+':
numerator = int(fl[0]) * denominator/int(fl[1]) + int(sl[0]) * denominator/int(sl[1])
numerator = int(fl[0]) * denominator / int(fl[1]) - int(sl[0]) * denominator / int(sl[1])
res = str(numerator) + '/' + str(denominator)
next = ''
operator = i
next += i
rl = res.split('/')
g = gcd(int(rl[0]),int(rl[1])) res = str(int(rl[0])/g) + '/' + str(int(rl[1])/g)
return res

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