Keychain password access

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janec2070563 May 8, 2018 11:07 AM

I constantly get asked for the password to my 'keychain account" I do not know what this even means, still less what a password might be. None of the other passwords I use on the computer are accepted.

I logged on to our Acrobat account yesterday, so that I could translate from an Acrobat document into a Word doc.

Since that time I have had nothing but problems. Google asks me to log in and then denies access, Facebook asks me to login.

How do I get out of this Acrobat do-loop and probably cancel my subscription to save more problems.

In a word - HELP!

Correct Answerby meenakshin83966505 on Dec 7, 2018 6:12 AM

Hi MartyNI,

As you get the Keychain login password pop-up after the recent update, try once the steps mentioned below:

- Open Keychain Access, which is in the Utilities folder within the Applications folder.

//打开 Keychain Access, 位于Applications 文件夹里的 Utilities

- From the Keychain Access menu, choose Preferences.

//打开 keychain Access 菜单的 Preferences 项

- Click General, then click Reset My Default Keychain.

//点击 General 再点 Reset My Dafault Keychain ->就是重置

- Authenticate with your account login password.


- Quit Keychain Access.

//点击退出 keychain Access

- Reboot your Mac.


Check if that helps.

Let us know how it goes.



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