#if 0 //#define PULSE
//#define WFMO #include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h> #ifdef WFMO
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#endif struct SyncObjectPosix_event_st; // Function declarations
void* CreateEvent(void* lpEventAttributes = nullptr, bool manualReset = false, bool initialState = false, void* lpName = nullptr);
int DestroyEvent(void* event);
//int WaitForEvent(void* event, uint64_t milliseconds = -1);
int WaitForSingleObject(void* event, uint64_t milliseconds = -);
int SetEvent(void* event);
int ResetEvent(void* event);
#ifdef WFMO
int WaitForMultipleObjects(int nCount,const void* *lpHandles, bool bWaitAll, uint64_t milliseconds); int WaitForMultipleEvents(void* *events, int count, bool waitAll,
uint64_t milliseconds);
int WaitForMultipleEvents(void* *events, int count, bool waitAll,
uint64_t milliseconds, int &index);
#ifdef PULSE
int PulseEvent(void* event);
#endif #ifdef WFMO
// Each call to WaitForMultipleObjects initializes a neosmart_wfmo_t object which tracks
// the progress of the caller's multi-object wait and dispatches responses accordingly.
// One neosmart_wfmo_t struct is shared for all events in a single WFMO call
typedef struct SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_st {
pthread_mutex_t Mutex;
pthread_cond_t CVariable;
int RefCount;
union {
int FiredEvent; // WFSO
int EventsLeft; // WFMO
} Status;
bool WaitAll;
bool StillWaiting; void Destroy() {
//typedef SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_t_ *SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_t; // A neosmart_wfmo_info_t object is registered with each event waited on in a WFMO
// This reference to neosmart_wfmo_t_ is how the event knows whom to notify when triggered
typedef struct SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_info_st {
SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_st* Waiter;
int WaitIndex;
//typedef SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_info_t_ *nSyncObjectPosix_wfmo_info_t;
#endif // WFMO // The basic event structure, passed to the caller as an opaque pointer when creating events
typedef struct SyncObjectPosix_event_st {
pthread_cond_t CVariable;
pthread_mutex_t Mutex;
bool AutoReset;
bool State;
#ifdef WFMO
std::deque<SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_info_st> RegisteredWaits;
}SyncObjectPosix_event_st; #ifdef WFMO
bool RemoveExpiredWaitHelper(SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_info_st wait) {
int result = pthread_mutex_trylock(&wait.Waiter->Mutex); if (result == EBUSY) {
return false;
} assert(result == ); if (wait.Waiter->StillWaiting == false) {
assert(wait.Waiter->RefCount >= );
bool destroy = wait.Waiter->RefCount == ;
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&wait.Waiter->Mutex);
assert(result == );
if (destroy) {
delete wait.Waiter;
} return true;
} result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&wait.Waiter->Mutex);
assert(result == ); return false;
#endif // WFMO void* CreateEvent(void* lpEventAttributes, bool manualReset, bool initialState, void* lpName) {
SyncObjectPosix_event_st* event = new SyncObjectPosix_event_st; int result = pthread_cond_init(&event->CVariable, );
assert(result == ); result = pthread_mutex_init(&event->Mutex, );
assert(result == ); event->State = false;
event->AutoReset = !manualReset; if (initialState) {
result = SetEvent(event);
assert(result == );
} return event;
} int UnlockedWaitForEvent(void* event, uint64_t milliseconds) {
int result = ;
if (!((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->State) {
// Zero-timeout event state check optimization
if (milliseconds == ) {
} timespec ts;
if (milliseconds != (uint64_t)-) {
timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); uint64_t nanoseconds = ((uint64_t)tv.tv_sec) * * * +
milliseconds * * + ((uint64_t)tv.tv_usec) * ; ts.tv_sec = nanoseconds / / / ;
ts.tv_nsec = (nanoseconds - ((uint64_t)ts.tv_sec) * * * );
} do {
// Regardless of whether it's an auto-reset or manual-reset event:
// wait to obtain the event, then lock anyone else out
if (milliseconds != (uint64_t)-) {
result = pthread_cond_timedwait(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->CVariable, &((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex, &ts);
} else {
result = pthread_cond_wait(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->CVariable, &((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
} while (result == && !((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->State); if (result == && ((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->AutoReset) {
// We've only accquired the event if the wait succeeded
((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->State = false;
} else if (((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->AutoReset) {
// It's an auto-reset event that's currently available;
// we need to stop anyone else from using it
result = ;
((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->State = false;
// Else we're trying to obtain a manual reset event with a signaled state;
// don't do anything return result;
} int WaitForSingleObject(void* event, uint64_t milliseconds) {
int tempResult;
if (milliseconds == ) {
tempResult = pthread_mutex_trylock(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
if (tempResult == EBUSY) {
} else {
tempResult = pthread_mutex_lock(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
} assert(tempResult == ); int result = UnlockedWaitForEvent(((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event), milliseconds); tempResult = pthread_mutex_unlock(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
assert(tempResult == ); if (result == ETIMEDOUT) {
} return result;
} #ifdef WFMO
int WaitForMultipleEvents(void* *events, int count, bool waitAll,
uint64_t milliseconds) {
int unused;
return WaitForMultipleEvents(events, count, waitAll, milliseconds, unused);
} int WaitForMultipleEvents(void* *events, int count, bool waitAll,
uint64_t milliseconds, int &waitIndex) {
SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_st* wfmo = new SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_st; SyncObjectPosix_event_st** pp_events = (SyncObjectPosix_event_st**)events; int result = ;
int tempResult = pthread_mutex_init(&wfmo->Mutex, );
assert(tempResult == ); tempResult = pthread_cond_init(&wfmo->CVariable, );
assert(tempResult == ); SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_info_st waitInfo;
waitInfo.Waiter = wfmo;
waitInfo.WaitIndex = -; wfmo->WaitAll = waitAll;
wfmo->StillWaiting = true;
wfmo->RefCount = ; if (waitAll) {
wfmo->Status.EventsLeft = count;
} else {
wfmo->Status.FiredEvent = -;
} tempResult = pthread_mutex_lock(&wfmo->Mutex);
assert(tempResult == ); bool done = false;
waitIndex = -; for (int i = ; i < count; ++i) {
waitInfo.WaitIndex = i; // Must not release lock until RegisteredWait is potentially added
tempResult = pthread_mutex_lock(&pp_events[i]->Mutex);
assert(tempResult == ); // Before adding this wait to the list of registered waits, let's clean up old, expired
// waits while we have the event lock anyway
pp_events[i]->RegisteredWaits.end()); if (UnlockedWaitForEvent(events[i], ) == ) {
tempResult = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pp_events[i]->Mutex);
assert(tempResult == ); if (waitAll) {
assert(wfmo->Status.EventsLeft >= );
} else {
wfmo->Status.FiredEvent = i;
waitIndex = i;
done = true;
} else {
++wfmo->RefCount; tempResult = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pp_events[i]->Mutex);
assert(tempResult == );
} // We set the `done` flag above in case of WaitAny and at least one event was set.
// But we need to check again here if we were doing a WaitAll or else we'll incorrectly
// return WAIT_TIMEOUT.
if (waitAll && wfmo->Status.EventsLeft == ) {
done = true;
} timespec ts;
if (!done) {
if (milliseconds == ) {
result = WAIT_TIMEOUT;
done = true;
} else if (milliseconds != (uint64_t)-) {
timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); uint64_t nanoseconds = ((uint64_t)tv.tv_sec) * * * +
milliseconds * * + ((uint64_t)tv.tv_usec) * ; ts.tv_sec = nanoseconds / / / ;
ts.tv_nsec = (nanoseconds - ((uint64_t)ts.tv_sec) * * * );
} while (!done) {
// One (or more) of the events we're monitoring has been triggered? // If we're waiting for all events, assume we're done and check if there's an event that
// hasn't fired But if we're waiting for just one event, assume we're not done until we
// find a fired event
done = (waitAll && wfmo->Status.EventsLeft == ) ||
(!waitAll && wfmo->Status.FiredEvent != -); if (!done) {
if (milliseconds != (uint64_t)-) {
result = pthread_cond_timedwait(&wfmo->CVariable, &wfmo->Mutex, &ts);
} else {
result = pthread_cond_wait(&wfmo->CVariable, &wfmo->Mutex);
} if (result != ) {
} waitIndex = wfmo->Status.FiredEvent;
wfmo->StillWaiting = false; --wfmo->RefCount;
assert(wfmo->RefCount >= );
bool destroy = wfmo->RefCount == ;
tempResult = pthread_mutex_unlock(&wfmo->Mutex);
assert(tempResult == );
if (destroy) {
delete wfmo;
} return result;
#endif // WFMO int CloseHandle(void* event) {
return DestroyEvent(event);
} int DestroyEvent(void* event) {
int result = ; #ifdef WFMO
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
assert(result == );
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
assert(result == );
#endif result = pthread_cond_destroy(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->CVariable);
assert(result == ); result = pthread_mutex_destroy(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
assert(result == ); delete ((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event); return ;
} int SetEvent(void* event) {
int result = pthread_mutex_lock(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
assert(result == ); ((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->State = true; // Depending on the event type, we either trigger everyone or only one
if (((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->AutoReset) {
#ifdef WFMO
while (!((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->RegisteredWaits.empty()) {
SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_info_st* i = &((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->RegisteredWaits.front(); result = pthread_mutex_lock(&i->Waiter->Mutex);
assert(result == ); --i->Waiter->RefCount;
assert(i->Waiter->RefCount >= );
if (!i->Waiter->StillWaiting) {
bool destroy = i->Waiter->RefCount == ;
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&i->Waiter->Mutex);
assert(result == );
if (destroy) {
delete i->Waiter;
} ((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->State = false; if (i->Waiter->WaitAll) {
assert(i->Waiter->Status.EventsLeft >= );
// We technically should do i->Waiter->StillWaiting = Waiter->Status.EventsLeft
// != 0 but the only time it'll be equal to zero is if we're the last event, so
// no one else will be checking the StillWaiting flag. We're good to go without
// it.
} else {
i->Waiter->Status.FiredEvent = i->WaitIndex;
i->Waiter->StillWaiting = false;
} result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&i->Waiter->Mutex);
assert(result == ); result = pthread_cond_signal(&i->Waiter->CVariable);
assert(result == ); ((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->RegisteredWaits.pop_front(); result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
assert(result == ); return ;
#endif // WFMO
// event->State can be false if compiled with WFMO support
if (((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->State) {
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
assert(result == ); result = pthread_cond_signal(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->CVariable);
assert(result == ); return ;
} else {
#ifdef WFMO
for (size_t i = ; i < ((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->RegisteredWaits.size(); ++i) {
SyncObjectPosix_wfmo_info_st* info = &((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->RegisteredWaits[i]; result = pthread_mutex_lock(&info->Waiter->Mutex);
assert(result == ); --info->Waiter->RefCount;
assert(info->Waiter->RefCount >= ); if (!info->Waiter->StillWaiting) {
bool destroy = info->Waiter->RefCount == ;
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&info->Waiter->Mutex);
assert(result == );
if (destroy) {
delete info->Waiter;
} if (info->Waiter->WaitAll) {
assert(info->Waiter->Status.EventsLeft >= );
// We technically should do i->Waiter->StillWaiting = Waiter->Status.EventsLeft
// != 0 but the only time it'll be equal to zero is if we're the last event, so
// no one else will be checking the StillWaiting flag. We're good to go without
// it.
} else {
info->Waiter->Status.FiredEvent = info->WaitIndex;
info->Waiter->StillWaiting = false;
} result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&info->Waiter->Mutex);
assert(result == ); result = pthread_cond_signal(&info->Waiter->CVariable);
assert(result == );
#endif // WFMO
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
assert(result == ); result = pthread_cond_broadcast(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->CVariable);
assert(result == );
} return ;
} int ResetEvent(void* event) {
int result = pthread_mutex_lock(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
assert(result == ); ((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->State = false; result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&((SyncObjectPosix_event_st*)event)->Mutex);
assert(result == ); return ;
} #ifdef PULSE
int PulseEvent(void* event) {
// This may look like it's a horribly inefficient kludge with the sole intention of reducing
// code duplication, but in reality this is what any PulseEvent() implementation must look
// like. The only overhead (function calls aside, which your compiler will likely optimize
// away, anyway), is if only WFMO auto-reset waits are active there will be overhead to
// unnecessarily obtain the event mutex for ResetEvent() after. In all other cases (being no
// pending waits, WFMO manual-reset waits, or any WFSO waits), the event mutex must first be
// released for the waiting thread to resume action prior to locking the mutex again in
// order to set the event state to unsignaled, or else the waiting threads will loop back
// into a wait (due to checks for spurious CVariable wakeups). int result = SetEvent(event);
assert(result == );
result = ResetEvent(event);
assert(result == ); return ;
#endif #else #include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional> class SyncObjectPosix
SyncObjectPosix(bool initial, bool manual) :
state(initial), manual(manual)
} void change(bool manual)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); this->manual = manual;
} void set()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); if (state)
return; state = true;
if (manual)
} void reset()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); state = false;
} void wait()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); condition.wait(lock, [this] { return state; }); if (!manual)
state = false;
} template<class Rep, class Period>
int wait(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &timeout)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); if (!condition.wait_for(lock, timeout, [this] {return state;} )) {
//return; if (!manual)
state = false;
return ;
} private:
bool return_state() {
return state;
}; std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable condition;
bool state, manual;
}; inline void* CreateEvent(void* lpEventAttributes, BOOL bManualReset, BOOL bInitialState, void* lpName){
return (void*)(new SyncObjectPosix(bInitialState, bManualReset));
} inline void CloseHandle(void* p_this) {
delete (SyncObjectPosix*)p_this;
} inline int WaitForSingleObject(void* p_this, uint64_t milliseconds = -){
SyncObjectPosix* event_this = (SyncObjectPosix*)p_this;
return event_this->wait(std::chrono::milliseconds(milliseconds));
} inline int SetEvent(void* p_this){
SyncObjectPosix* event_this = (SyncObjectPosix*)p_this;
return ;
} inline int ResetEvent(void* p_this){
SyncObjectPosix* event_this = (SyncObjectPosix*)p_this;
return ;
} #endif
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