libtorch 如何 OneHot ?

torch OneHot 源代码 ?

最新的 1.3 版本中已经添加了该函数

#include <torch/torch.h>
#include <c10/util/StringUtil.h>
torch::Tensor one_hot(const torch::Tensor &self, int64_t num_classes) {
AT_CHECK(self.dtype() == torch::kLong, "one_hot is only applicable to index tensor.");
auto shape = self.sizes().vec(); // empty tensor could be converted to one hot representation,
// but shape inference is not possible.
if (self.numel() == 0) {
if (num_classes <= 0) {
AT_ERROR("Can not infer total number of classes from empty tensor.");
else {
return at::empty(shape, self.options());
} // non-empty tensor
AT_CHECK(self.min().item().toLong() >= 0, "Class values must be non-negative.");
if (num_classes == -1) {
num_classes = self.max().item().toLong() + 1;
else {
AT_CHECK(num_classes > self.max().item().toLong(), "Class values must be smaller than num_classes.");
} shape.push_back(num_classes);
torch::Tensor ret = at::zeros(shape, self.options());
ret.scatter_(-1, self.unsqueeze(-1), 1);
return ret;


	torch::TensorOptions options(torch::kLong);
auto tensor = torch::tensor({ 0,1,2 }, options);
std::cout << tensor << std::endl; try
auto one_hot = torch::one_hot(tensor,4);
std::cout << one_hot << std::endl;
catch (const c10::Error& watch)
std::cout << watch.msg() << std::endl;


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