
  • (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
  • rtrim — Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string
  • rtrim — 删除字符串末端的空白字符(或者其他字符)


string rtrim ( string $str [, string $character_mask ] )
//This function returns a string with whitespace (or other characters) stripped from the end of str.
//该函数删除 str 末端的空白字符(或者其他字符)并返回。 //Without the second parameter, rtrim() will strip these characters:
//不使用第二个参数,rtrim() 仅删除以下字符: " " (ASCII 32 (0x20)), //an ordinary space.普通空白符。
"\t" (ASCII 9 (0x09)), //a tab.制表符。
"\n" (ASCII 10 (0x0A)), //a new line (line feed).换行符。
"\r" (ASCII 13 (0x0D)), //a carriage return.回车符。
"\0" (ASCII 0 (0x00)), //the NULL-byte.NUL 空字节符。
"\x0B" (ASCII 11 (0x0B)), //a vertical tab.垂直制表符。



  • The input string.
  • 输入字符串。


  • You can also specify the characters you want to strip, by means of the character_mask parameter. Simply list all characters that you want to be stripped. With .. you can specify a range of characters.
  • 通过指定 character_mask,可以指定想要删除的字符列表。简单地列出你想要删除的全部字符。使用 .. 格式,可以指定一个范围。

Return Values

  • Returns the modified string.
  • 返回改变后的字符串。


* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zhangrongxiang
* Date: 2018/3/4
* Time: 下午4:51
//rtrim — 删除字符串末端的空白字符(或者其他字符) $hello = "Hello World";
//Hello World
echo $hello . PHP_EOL;
//Hello World
echo rtrim( $hello ) . PHP_EOL;
//Hello Worl
echo rtrim( $hello, "d" ) . PHP_EOL;
//Hello Wor
echo rtrim( $hello, "dl" ) . PHP_EOL; $text = "\t\tThese are a few words :) ... ";
// These are a few words :) ...
echo $text . PHP_EOL;
// These are a few words :) ...
echo rtrim( $text ) . PHP_EOL;
// These are a few words
echo rtrim( $text, ":) ." ) . PHP_EOL; $binary = "\x09Example string\x0A";
// Example string
echo $binary . PHP_EOL;
// Example string
echo rtrim( $binary ) . PHP_EOL;
// Example string
echo rtrim( $binary, "\x00..\x1F" ) . PHP_EOL; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function strrtrim( $message, $strip ) {
// break message apart by strip string
$lines = explode( $strip, $message );
var_dump( $lines );
if ( is_array( $lines ) ) {
// pop off empty strings at the end
do {
$last = array_pop( $lines );
} while ( empty( $last ) && ( count( $lines ) ) ); } else {
return "";
} // re-assemble what remains
return implode( $strip, array_merge( $lines, array( $last ) ) );
} //hello,world,hi
echo strrtrim( "hello,world,hi ", ' ' ) . PHP_EOL; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$aFileContent = file( "rtrim.php" );
foreach ( $aFileContent as $sKey => $sValue ) {
$aFileContent[ $sKey ] = rtrim( $sValue );
} foreach ( $aFileContent as $sKey => $sValue ) {
if ( $sKey == 10 ) {
echo $sKey . " " . $sValue . PHP_EOL;
//0 <?php
//1 /**
//2 * Created by PhpStorm.
//3 * User: zhangrongxiang
//4 * Date: 2018/3/4
//5 * Time: 下午4:51
//6 */
//7 //rtrim — 删除字符串末端的空白字符(或者其他字符)
//9 $hello = "Hello World"; //This is a
echo rtrim( 'This is a short short sentence', 'short sentence' ) . PHP_EOL;
//This is a short short
echo rtrim( 'This is a short short sentence', 'cents' ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function read_more( $in, $len = 16 ) {
if ( strlen( $in ) > $len ) {
return preg_replace( '/[\s\.,][^\s\.,]*$/u', '', substr( $in, 0, $len ) ) . '...';
} else {
return $in;
} //This is a short short hello world,...
echo read_more( "hello world, php is the best language around the world" ) . PHP_EOL;


All rights reserved


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