



(1)选择该Java类上一级文件,build path--->use as source folder

(2)然后再次打开该类,Run Application

Editor does not contain a main type的更多相关文章

  1. editor does not contain a main type的解决方案

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  2. Eclipse 软件 Java 解决:出现的editor does not contain a main type错误框 问题

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  3. MyEclipse上有main函数类运行报错:Editor does not contain a main type

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  4. eclipse解决editor does not contain a main type的方法

    转自:http://blog.csdn.net/huazhangena/article/details/7349044 写在前面的话:我的也出现这个问题,但是解决方法和转发的内容不太一样,原理一样,我 ...

  5. 【eclipse】Editor does not contain a main type

    问题现象: eclipse运行java程序的时候弹出对话框:Editor does not contain a main type. 解决方法: 右击 src路径 → Build Path → Use ...

  6. editor does not cantain a main type——解决

    editor does not cantain a main type 这个错误就是包名与路径不对

  7. “selection does not contain a main type”解决方法

    在运行java程序时,出现了错误“selection does not contain a main type”. 是因为.java文件不在项目的src路径内,也就是说源代码未被eclipse编译,字 ...

  8. WPF学习- 新建项目后自定义Main()[Type 'App' already defines a member called 'Main' with the same parameter types]

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  9. MyEclipse上有main函数类运行报错:Editor does not contain a

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