One always has time enough, if one will apply it well.


If you always feel that you don't have enough time to finish the work assigned to you, then it indicates that you didn't apply your time well.

If you want to improve your efficency, then first thing you had to do is to understand how you used time through constantly tracking your past activities.

If you find out the problem, then try to solve it.

Learn to say no to the good so you can say yes to the best.


Don't be Mr. Close Enough.

There is always room for improvement.

Try to be good, better, best.

Dig deep, the water, godness, is down there. And as long as you keep digging, it will keep bubbling up.

In fact, I always wish to figure out how to do more and how to make a bigger difference, and as I continue in that direction I think I may realize that dream, in the near future, my goal was more to make a difference than it was all the others things.

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