December 14th 2016 Week 51st Wednesday
Everything has its time and that time must be watched.
Everything has its time, and I remember there is a proverb that says even a dog has its day.
However, when is my time? Had it already passed and I missed it?
These days, I seem to have been on the go all day, but the results are not so good.
I always start out very well but end up poorly.
Is that because I haven't planned for the possible pitfalls?
I always wait to be in the right place and wait for that place magically to change what is wrong in my life.
Maybe I forget that I have taken myself and all of my baggage with me wherever I go.
Nevertheless, I still want to know when is my time.
Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
Feel those things aroud you by heart and respond to them properly.
Just like in the daily life, some can find out opportunities in the seemingly ordinary days, whereas some just let their chances slip away from their hands.
Even in the common life, there're plenty of treasures.
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