

http-server: a command-line http server一个命令行http服务器

http-server is a simple, zero-configuration command-line http server. It is powerful enough for production usage, but it's simple and hackable enough to be used for testing, local development, and learning.


Installing globally:全局安装

Installation via npm:

 npm install http-server -g


+ http-server@0.11.

This will install http-server globally so that it may be run from the command line.



http-server [path] [options]

[path] defaults to ./public if the folder exists, and ./ otherwise.


Now you can visit http://localhost:8080 to view your server


Note: Caching is on by default. Add -c-1 as an option to disable caching.


Available Options:有效选项

-p or --port Port to use (defaults to 8080)  使用的端口(默认为8080)

-a Address to use (defaults to  使用的地址(默认为0.0.0.0)

-d Show directory listings (defaults to true)  是否显示目录列表(默认为true)

-i Display autoIndex (defaults to true)  是否显示自动索引

-g or --gzip When enabled (defaults to false) it will serve ./public/some-file.js.gz in place of ./public/some-file.js when a gzipped version of the file exists and the request accepts gzip encoding.  当可用时(但是默认为false,不可用),它将会在一个文件的压缩版本存在且需要接受gzip编码时,提供./public/some-file.js.gz以代替./public/some-file.js

-e or --ext Default file extension if none supplied (defaults to html)  如果提供的是none,默认文件扩展(默认为html)

-s or --silent Suppress log messages from output  从输出中取消日志信息

--cors Enable CORS via the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header  通过Access-Control-Allow-Origin头可用CORS

-o Open browser window after starting the server  在开启服务器后自动打开浏览器

-c Set cache time (in seconds) for cache-control max-age header, e.g. -c10 for 10 seconds (defaults to 3600). To disable caching, use -c-1.  为缓存控制的最大年龄设置缓存时间(秒为单位),比如 -c10代表10秒(默认为3600)。为了取消缓存,可以使用-c-1

-U or --utc Use UTC time format in log messages. 在日志信息中使用UTC时间格式

-P or --proxy Proxies all requests which can't be resolved locally to the given url. e.g.: -P   代理所有无法在本地解析到给定url的请求,比如:-P

-S or --ssl Enable https. 设置https可用

-C or --cert Path to ssl cert file (default: cert.pem).  ssl证书文件路径(默认为cert.pem

-K or --key Path to ssl key file (default: key.pem).  ssl密钥文件路径(默认为key.pem

-r or --robots Provide a /robots.txt (whose content defaults to User-agent: *\nDisallow: /)  提供一个/robots.txt文件(其内容默认为User-agent: *\nDisallow: /

-h or --help Print this list and exit.  输出该列表内容并退出

Magic Files

  • index.html will be served as the default file to any directory requests. index.html将作为任何目录请求的默认文件
  • 404.html will be served if a file is not found. This can be used for Single-Page App (SPA) hosting to serve the entry page. 当一个文件找不到时,404.html将被使用。这可以用于单页面应用程序(SPA)托管来服务入口页面


Checkout this repository locally, then:本地查看存储库

$ npm i
$ node bin/http-server

Now you can visit http://localhost:8080 to view your server


You should see the turtle image in the screenshot above hosted at that URL. See the ./public folder for demo content.



userdeMacBook-Pro:~ user$ http-server
Starting up http-server, serving ./public
Available on:
Hit CTRL-C to stop the server
[Sat Dec :: GMT+ (中国标准时间)] "GET /favicon.ico" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0"
[Sat Dec :: GMT+ (中国标准时间)] "GET /favicon.ico" Error (): "Not found"



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