[].[代码] CException.h 跳至 [] [] []
/* */
#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "signal.h"
#include "setjmp.h"
#include "assert.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "iostream"
#include "exception"
extern "C"{ #define dllexport __declspec(dllexport)
jmp_buf Jmp_Buf;
int E;
#define Exception 0x00000
#define e Exception
#define try if(!(E=setjmp(Jmp_Buf)))
#define last_error() E
#define catch(val) else
#define throw(val) longjmp(Jmp_Buf,val)
#define check(expersion) assert(expersion)
#define GetError() errno
dllexport void sig_usr(int);
dllexport char* getTime();
#define dllexport __declspec(dllexport)
jmp_buf Jmp_Buf;
int E;
#define Exception 0x00000
#define e Exception #define try if(!(E=setjmp(Jmp_Buf))) #define last_error() E #define catch(val) else
#define throw(val) longjmp(Jmp_Buf,val)
#define check(expersion) assert(expersion)
#define GetError() errno
dllexport void sig_usr(int);
dllexport char* getTime();
[].[代码] File.h 跳至 [] [] []
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define SIZE 128
#include "CException.h"
#define export __declspec(dllexport)
int read_file(char* filename,char* key,char* value);
int write_file(char* filename,char* key,char* value);
int release();
int write_section(char* filename,char* section);
int read_section(char* filename);
int getAuthor(char* value);
void getVersion(char* value);
[].[代码] File.c 跳至 [] [] [] #include "File.h" #include <string.h> int read_file(char* filename,char* key,char* value) { int flag=; char buffer[SIZE]; FILE *file=fopen(filename,"r"); try { if(file==NULL) { flag=; throw(flag); } else { while(fgets(buffer,SIZE,file)!=NULL) { int i=,j=,len=strlen(key); while(buffer[i]!='\') { if(buffer[i]=='$'&&buffer[i+len+]=='=') { j=i+len+; while(buffer[j]!='\'&&buffer[j]!=';') { int h=; if(buffer[i+]==key[i]) { //printf("%c",buffer[j]); value[j-i-len-]=buffer[j]; } j++; } break; } else if(buffer[i]=='/'&&buffer[i+]=='/'||buffer[i]==';') { break; //comment } i++; } } } } catch(Exception) { flag=; fclose(file); printf("can't open file %s",filename); exit(); } fflush(file); fclose(file); return flag; } int write_file(char* filename,char* key,char* value) { int flag=; FILE* file; file=fopen(filename,"a"); try { if(file==NULL) { flag=; throw(flag); } fprintf(file,"$%s=%s\n",key,value); } catch(Exception) { printf("Can't write file %s",filename); exit(); } fflush(file); fclose(file); return flag; } int write_section(char* filename,char* section) { int flag=; FILE* file=NULL; try { file=fopen(filename,"a"); if(file!=NULL) { fprintf(file,"[%s]\n",section); } else { int flag=; throw(flag); } } catch(Exception) { printf("can't open file %s",filename); exit(); } fflush(file); fclose(file); return flag; } int release() { int flag=; return flag; } int read_section(char* filename) { return ; } int getAuthor(char* value) { char author[]="武汉软件工程职业学院计算机应用系孟德军"; int i=; for(i=;i<strlen(author);i++) { value[i]=author[i]; } return ; } void getVersion(char* value) { char version[]="////"; int i=; for(i=;i<strlen(version);i++) { value[i]=version[i]; } } /************************************************************************** void main() { char* str=NULL; char author[]; char buffer[]; char buffer[]; char buffer[]; read_file("F:\\exercise\\C++!C\\sys.ini","password",buffer); read_file("F:\\exercise\\C++!C\\sys.ini","username",buffer); read_file("F:\\exercise\\C++!C\\sys.ini","driver",buffer); printf("password=%s\n",buffer); printf("\n"); printf("username=%s\n",buffer); printf("\n"); printf("driver=%s\n",buffer); getAuthor(author); printf("\n"); printf("author=%s",author); release(); }


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