
We are writing to let you know that we have removed your selling privileges and placed a temporary hold on any funds in your Marketplace Payments account.

We took this action because you may have violated our policies by adding images to product detail pages in our Clothing & Accessories category that do not comply with our image requirements.

Our policies state that all product images must meet Amazon.com general image standards as well as any applicable category-specific image guidelines. For more information on this policy, search "Product Detail Page Rules" in Seller Central Help. For category-specific information, search "Clothing Category Style Guide."

Before we can consider reinstatement of your selling privileges, you must provide us with a detailed account of the steps you will take to ensure compliance with our policies. We will then review your plan and determine whether to reinstate your selling privileges.

For information on creating and submitting your plan, search on "Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges" in seller Help. If you do not submit a viable plan of action within 17 days, we may permanently remove your selling privileges and hold any funds in your Marketplace Payments account up to 90 days.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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