Groovy 设计模式 -- Strategy 模式
In computer programming, the strategy pattern (also known as the policy pattern) is a behavioral software design pattern that enables selecting an algorithm at runtime. The strategy pattern
- defines a family of algorithms,
- encapsulates each algorithm, and
- makes the algorithms interchangeable within that family.
Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.[1] Strategy is one of the patterns included in the influential book Design Patterns by Gamma et al. that popularized the concept of using design patterns to describe how to design flexible and reusable object-oriented software.
The Strategy [2] design pattern is one of the twenty-three well-known GoF design patterns that describe how to solve recurring design problems to design flexible and reusable object-oriented software, that is, objects that are easier to implement, change, test, and reuse.
What problems can the Strategy design pattern solve? [3]
- A class should be configured with an algorithm instead of implementing an algorithm directly.
- An algorithm should be selected and exchanged at run-time.
What is an algorithm? An algorithm is usually defined as a procedure that takes some value as input, performs a finite number of steps, and produces some value as output.
From a more general point of view, an algorithm is a piece of code that does something appropriate.
● 环境(Context)角色:持有一个Strategy的引用。
● 抽象策略(Strategy)角色:这是一个抽象角色,通常由一个接口或抽象类实现。此角色给出所有的具体策略类所需的接口。
● 具体策略(ConcreteStrategy)角色:包装了相关的算法或行为。
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; public class StrategyPatternWiki { public static void main(final String[] arguments) {
Customer firstCustomer = new Customer(new NormalStrategy()); // Normal billing
firstCustomer.add(1.0, 1); // Start Happy Hour
firstCustomer.setStrategy(new HappyHourStrategy());
firstCustomer.add(1.0, 2); // New Customer
Customer secondCustomer = new Customer(new HappyHourStrategy());
secondCustomer.add(0.8, 1);
// The Customer pays
firstCustomer.printBill(); // End Happy Hour
secondCustomer.setStrategy(new NormalStrategy());
secondCustomer.add(1.3, 2);
secondCustomer.add(2.5, 1);
} class Customer { private List<Double> drinks;
private BillingStrategy strategy; public Customer(final BillingStrategy strategy) {
this.drinks = new ArrayList<Double>();
this.strategy = strategy;
} public void add(final double price, final int quantity) {
} // Payment of bill
public void printBill() {
double sum = 0;
for (Double i : drinks) {
sum += i;
System.out.println("Total due: " + sum);
} // Set Strategy
public void setStrategy(final BillingStrategy strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy;
} } interface BillingStrategy {
double getActPrice(final double rawPrice);
} // Normal billing strategy (unchanged price)
class NormalStrategy implements BillingStrategy { @Override
public double getActPrice(final double rawPrice) {
return rawPrice;
} } // Strategy for Happy hour (50% discount)
class HappyHourStrategy implements BillingStrategy { @Override
public double getActPrice(final double rawPrice) {
return rawPrice*0.5;
} }
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