3、Qt Project之Socket网络编程
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Ubuntu 16.04 Edition Qt Socket Project Windows 10 端的Socket Tool
整个界面的样式如图所示,包括了TCP Client以及TCP Server端。
IP表示客户端将要连接的TCP Server的服务器ip地址,PORT填入的是对应的TCP Server的地址开放的监听的端口号
- void MainWindow::Client_Recieve_Data(void)
- {
- QByteArray buf;
- buf = client->readAll();
- if(!buf.isEmpty())
- {
- QString str = this->ui->Client_Recieve->toPlainText();
- str += tr(buf);
- this->ui->Client_Recieve->clear();
- this->ui->Client_Recieve->appendPlainText(str);
- }
- buf.clear();
- }
- void MainWindow::on_Client_Button_clicked(bool checked)
- {
- if(!ClientFlag)
- {
- QString IP,PORT;
- IP = this->ui->IP_Address->text();
- PORT = this->ui->Client_Port->text();
- qDebug() << IP;
- qDebug() << PORT;
- client->connectToHost(QHostAddress(IP),PORT.toInt(),QTcpSocket::ReadWrite);
- qDebug() << "Client is Started!";
- QObject::connect(client,&QTcpSocket::readyRead,this,&MainWindow::Client_Recieve_Data);
- this->ui->Client_Button->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(85,170,0);");
- }
- else
- {
- this->ui->Client_Button->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(0,0,0);");
- client->close();
- qDebug() << "Client is Closed!";
- }
- ClientFlag = !ClientFlag;
- }
- void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked(bool checked)
- {
- if(ClientFlag)
- {
- QString Send_data;
- Send_data = this->ui->Client_Send->toPlainText();
- qDebug() << Send_data;
- client->write(Send_data.toLatin1());
- qDebug() << "Data sended!";
- }
- }
- void MainWindow::on_Client_Clear_clicked(bool checked)
- {
- this->ui->Client_Recieve->clear();
- qDebug() << "Client_Recieve_CLear!";
- }
- /************************************************************
- * Server Side Programming!
- * The Qt Socket Programming have ever finished binding the port!
- * The accept func is trigger by a new connection signal!
- ***********************************************************/
- void MainWindow::readClient(void)
- {
- QByteArray buf;
- buf = client_connect->readAll();
- if(!buf.isEmpty())
- {
- QString str = this->ui->Server_Recieve->toPlainText();
- str += tr(buf);
- this->ui->Server_Recieve->clear();
- this->ui->Server_Recieve->appendPlainText(str);
- }
- buf.clear();
- }
- void MainWindow::accepConnection(void)
- {
- client_connect = server->nextPendingConnection();
- QObject::connect(client_connect,&QTcpSocket::readyRead,this,&MainWindow::readClient);
- }
- void MainWindow::on_Server_Clear_clicked(bool checked)
- {
- this->ui->Server_Recieve->clear();
- qDebug() << "Server_Recieve_Clear!";
- }
- void MainWindow::on_ServerSend_clicked(bool checked)
- {
- if(ServerFlag)
- {
- QString SendData;
- SendData = this->ui->Server_Send->toPlainText();
- client_connect->write(SendData.toLatin1());
- qDebug() << SendData;
- qDebug() << "ServerData send!";
- }
- }
- void MainWindow::on_Server_Button_clicked(bool checked)
- {
- if(!ServerFlag)
- {
- QString MonitorPort;
- MonitorPort = this->ui->Server_Port->text();
- int PortNum;
- PortNum = MonitorPort.toInt();
- server->listen(QHostAddress::Any,PortNum);
- QObject::connect(server,&QTcpServer::newConnection,this,&MainWindow::accepConnection);
- qDebug() << "Server Started!";
- qDebug() << "PortNum:" << PortNum;
- this->ui->Server_Button->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(85,170,0);");
- }
- else
- {
- this->ui->Server_Button->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(0,0,0);");
- client_connect->close();
- server->close();
- qDebug() << "Server Closed!";
- }
- ServerFlag = !ServerFlag;
- }
- private slots:
- void on_Client_Button_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_pushButton_clicked(bool checked);
- void Client_Recieve_Data(void);
- void accepConnection(void);
- void readClient(void);
- void on_Client_Clear_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_Server_Clear_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_ServerSend_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_Server_Button_clicked(bool checked);
- void TimeOutProcess(void);
- private:
- Ui::MainWindow *ui;
- QTcpSocket *client;
- QTcpServer *server;
- QTcpSocket *client_connect;
- QTimer *TimeMonitor;
- bool ClientFlag = false;
- bool ServerFlag = false;
完成上述操作,基本就完成了Qt Socket程序的功能。
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