February 24th, 2018 Week 8th Saturday
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
From Groucho Marx.
Please hold on to your principles, if you think they are right.
But sometimes, you can be more flexible so that you can stick to your principles more easily.
It is up to your choice whether the alternative ones be viable.
For example, there are many moments in our life when we have to choose between benefits and principles.
Those moments may make us feel terrible, they would push our boundaries, they would bring us overwhelming anxiety, they always want to challenge us.
But life teaches us that it would be more important to hold on to what we believe is right.
And in the end, our clear conscience will be worth far more than the temporary benefits we could have made.
It would be a hard choice, and the results will reward us generously, I believe.
Just because you are small, doesn't mean you got no power.
We are small and ordinary, but that doesn't mean we are lack of power or influence.
If we think we are incapable of changing the world, if we yield to the life, we would be at the mercy of others.
That's not what we want, for every of us wants to be somebody, not nobody.
But we also have to realize that we are average, maybe others can not pick us out of a crowd, and our words, our behaviours, not like those people with great influence, may have few impacts on the world.
Yeah, that depends on how we define personal influence on the world.
As for me, if what I do can benefit those around me and can make them live a happier life, it is enough.
Remember, being brilliant is not enough, we have to work hard, intelligence is not a privilege, it is a gift, and we should use what we have for the good of mankind.
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