June 11. 2018 Week 24th, Monday
Love is the beauty of the soul.
From Saint Augustine.
The complete version of this quote goes as following:
Since love grows within you, so beauty grows, for love is the beauty of the soul.
It may be not about romantic love, in my mind, it is about our inner light, that is, the love we hold for ourselves and then for all others.
Here I would like to emphasize the importance of loving ourselves first.
Why? Because I think it would be very hard to have a true love for others if we don't love ourselves.
Just take a simple example, when we are hurting, desperate, or hateful, we are not likely to show love to others or even love any portion of humanity.
Conversely, the more we love ourself, the more love we are willing to share.
But what it means to love oneself?
First and foremost, be responsible for your own life and always try to make it better with all our mights.
Is it too late for me?
Reading enriches the mind.
Reading and learning both require skill and talents, otherwise they would provide little benefits to our life and just wastes of our precious time.
But if you failed to find some thing to do, it is not bad to read some books, at least it can save us from Alzheimer's and help us a lot when we lose asleep.
Try to read several books I had bought before, I don't want to sell them to ragpickers.
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