1. scrapy shell

是scrapy包的一个很好的交互性工具,目前我使用它主要用于验证xpath选择的结果。安装好了scrapy之后,就能够直接在cmd上操作scrapy shell了。



2. ipython

在官网推荐使用ipython来跑scrapy shell,于是我尝试安装。因为之前我的python环境都是通过conda配置的(参看前一篇),通过conda安装ipython很方便

  1. conda install -c conda-forge ipython


3. 运行ipython和在ipython上运行scrapy shell


但是当我直接在这上面敲scrapy shell命令,但是一直说没有此命令,失败。在这里卡住了。

后来通过仔细阅读scrapy shell的说明

If you have IPython installed, the Scrapy shell will use it (instead of the standard Python console). 

意思就是scrapy shell会自己去找ipython的运行框。

于是直接在cmd的标准运行框中输入scrapy shell <url>,返回的结果直接调用到ipython的运行框了。


  1. scrapy shell http://scrapy.org” --nolog

注意这里的双引号,之前我遵从官网的例子,写了单引号,一直返回invalid hostname,改为双引号之后,才解决问题。

English Version

1. scrapy shell

is a good interactive tool that Scrapy provided. Currently I use it to validate xpath result before I write scripts. After installed Scrapy, the Scrapy shell can be used from CMD.

For detail specification, please refer to below


2. ipython

Scrapy recommand iPython as user interface to run Scrapy Shell, so I try to install iPython, which is also a Python extention package. As my Python env is from Conda, it's very easy to install iPython (how to install package in Conda env). Just run below command.

  1. conda install -c conda-forge ipython

3. Run iPython, and run Scrapy Shell on iPython

How to run iPython? just key in "iPython" in your CMD prompt that has included Python path in system env path. A python-like user interface will appear, but more colorful, more functional and the layout is clearer.

So when I was in iPython interface, I try to key in "scrapy shell", but failed to work. The prompt said the command is not exist.

I was confused, and stuck here. However I found below note when I read scrapy shell specification again,

If you have IPython installed, the Scrapy shell will use it (instead of the standard Python console). 

So I just key in "scrapy shell <url>" in original windows CMD prompt, the scrapy shell automatically run at iPython interface


  1. scrapy shell http://scrapy.org” --nolog

Note, I use double quotation mark " " instead of single quotation mark ' ' which is used in scrapy shell specification example.

it returns "invalid hostname" when I use single quotation mark.  

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