CF1155F Delivery Oligopoly
题意:给定简单无向图,求一个最小的边集使得这些点是边双,输出方案。n <= 14
设fs表示点集s形成边双的最小边数。linki,j,s表示点集s能否形成一个i - j的链。link2x,s表示点x和点集s是否直接相连。
- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- const int N = ;
- struct Edge {
- int nex, v;
- }edge[N << ]; int tp;
- struct Node {
- int x, y, t;
- Node(int X = , int Y = , int T = ) {
- x = X;
- y = Y;
- t = T;
- }
- }fr3[N];
- int pw[N], cnt[N], f[N], e[N], n, m;
- bool link[][][N], link2[][N];
- int fr[][][N], fr2[][N], fr22[][N];
- inline void add(int x, int y) {
- tp++;
- edge[tp].v = y;
- edge[tp].nex = e[x];
- e[x] = tp;
- return;
- }
- void out(int x, int y, int s) {
- if(cnt[s] == ) return;
- printf("%d %d \n", y + , fr[x][y][s]);
- out(x, fr[x][y][s] - , s ^ ( << y));
- return;
- }
- void out3(int s) {
- if(cnt[s] == ) return;
- int x = fr3[s].x, y = fr3[s].y, t = fr3[s].t;
- out(x, y, t);
- printf("%d %d \n", x + , fr2[x][s ^ t]);
- if(x != y) printf("%d %d \n", y + , fr2[y][s ^ t]);
- else printf("%d %d \n", y + , fr22[y][s ^ t]);
- out3(s ^ t);
- return;
- }
- int main() {
- scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
- for(int i = , x, y; i <= m; i++) {
- scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
- add(x, y);
- add(y, x);
- }
- int lm = ( << n) - ; /// lm = 111111...1
- for(int i = ; i <= lm; i++) {
- cnt[i] = + cnt[i - (i & (-i))];
- if(i > ) pw[i] = pw[i >> ] + ;
- }
- for(int x = ; x < n; x++) {
- for(int s = ; s <= lm; s++) {
- /// link2[x][s]
- if((s >> x) & ) continue;
- for(int i = e[x + ]; i; i = edge[i].nex) {
- int y = edge[i].v - ;
- if((s >> y) & ) {
- link2[x][s] = ;
- if(!fr2[x][s]) {
- fr2[x][s] = y + ;
- }
- else {
- fr22[x][s] = y + ;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for(int i = ; i < n; i++) {
- link[i][i][ << i] = ;
- }
- for(int s = ; s < lm; s++) {
- for(int t1 = s, i; t1; t1 ^= ( << i)) {
- i = pw[t1 & (-t1)];
- /// i + 1
- for(int t2 = s, x; t2; t2 ^= ( << x)) {
- x = pw[t2 & (-t2)];
- /// f[i][x][s]
- if(!link[i][x][s]) continue;
- for(int j = e[x + ]; j; j = edge[j].nex) {
- int y = edge[j].v - ;
- if(((s >> y) & ) == ) {
- link[i][y][s | ( << y)] = ;
- fr[i][y][s | ( << y)] = x + ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- memset(f, 0x3f, sizeof(f));
- f[] = ;
- for(int s = ; s <= lm; s++) {
- /// f[s]
- for(int t = s & (s - ); t; t = (t - ) & s) {
- for(int t1 = t, x; t1; t1 ^= ( << x)) {
- x = pw[t1 & (-t1)];
- for(int t2 = t, y; t2; t2 ^= ( << y)) {
- y = pw[t2 & (-t2)];
- /// link[x][y][t] link2[x][s ^ t] link2[y][s ^ t]
- if(link[x][y][t] && link2[x][s ^ t] && link2[y][s ^ t] && (x != y || fr22[x][s ^ t])) {
- if(f[s] > f[s ^ t] + cnt[t] + ) {
- f[s] = f[s ^ t] + cnt[t] + ;
- fr3[s] = Node(x, y, t);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- printf("%d\n", f[lm]);
- out3(lm);
- return ;
- }
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