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The Blog welcome

DECEMBER 3, 2015

Welcome to the blog on! Today we launched the open source Swift project along with the website. We couldn’t be more excited to work together in an open community to find and fix issues, add enhancements, and bring Swift to new platforms.

This blog is where the engineers working on Swift will make announcements and highlight important community topics.


Swift is made up of a number of different projects, providing a complete ecosystem for building great software. The Swift compiler project interprets Swift syntax, produces diagnostics to help you write correct code, and employs LLVM to generate machine instructions. The LLDB project is a first-class debugger that includes a REPL for interactive programming. And the Swift standard library project includes all the core types and basic functionality you need to write software in Swift.

Today, we released two additional projects for Swift in open source: the Core Libraries project, and a new Swift Package Manager project.

  • The Swift compiler project
  • The LLDB project
  • Swift standard library project
  • Core Libraries project
  • Swift Package Manager project

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a brand new project that strives to create a powerful, user-friendly tool to build and share Swift code. (包管理器的作用:共享代码)We are focused on ensuring the package manager is great at sharing source code, rather than compiled binary libraries. This project is very early in development, and will be designed and developed using Swift’s open, collaborative process.

You can find example package repositories at the Apple home on GitHub, as well as the source code and additional information for the package manager itself.

Core Libraries

The Swift Core Libraries project is a higher-level set of APIs, above the Swift standard library. (核心库是在标准库之上的封装)These libraries offer functionality such as localization, networking primitives, unit testing, user preferences, and more. These libraries also introduce coding conventions that will be useful as you write more Swift code, and create new packages.

The core libraries are based on frameworks included in Apple platforms, namely Foundation, libdispatch, and XCTest. The Swift open source versions of these frameworks are intended to make it easy to use the same Swift code with consistent functionality across multiple platforms. Website

This website is the home of the Swift project with links to the resources you will need to participate in the community. We invite you to click around the navigation area to explore the site, but we wanted to call out a few key links here in our inaugural post:

  • The Apple home on GitHub hosts all the Swift source code代码托管
  • The Swift mailing lists are how we interact 邮件列表
  • The Getting Started pages will help you setup a Swift development environment 开发环境
  • The Download page includes pre-built binaries for the supported platforms 二进制下载
  • The Swift Evolution Process describes how new features are proposed 新特性一览表

Welcome to the open source Swift community.

– The Swift Team


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