To move a tab, it must first be removed and then reinserted into the tabbed pane as a new tab. Unfortunately, since there is no object that represents a tab, it is necessary to record all of the tab's properties before moving it and to restore them after the new tab has been created.

This example moves the last tab to the first position:

    // To create a tabbed pane, see e828 创建JTabbedPane

    int src = pane.getTabCount()-1;
int dst = 0; // Get all the properties
Component comp = pane.getComponentAt(src);
String label = pane.getTitleAt(src);
Icon icon = pane.getIconAt(src);
Icon iconDis = pane.getDisabledIconAt(src);
String tooltip = pane.getToolTipTextAt(src);
boolean enabled = pane.isEnabledAt(src);
int keycode = pane.getMnemonicAt(src);
int mnemonicLoc = pane.getDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(src);
Color fg = pane.getForegroundAt(src);
Color bg = pane.getBackgroundAt(src); // Remove the tab
pane.remove(src); // Add a new tab
pane.insertTab(label, icon, comp, tooltip, dst); // Restore all properties
pane.setDisabledIconAt(dst, iconDis);
pane.setEnabledAt(dst, enabled);
pane.setMnemonicAt(dst, keycode);
pane.setDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(dst, mnemonicLoc);
pane.setForegroundAt(dst, fg);
pane.setBackgroundAt(dst, bg);
Related Examples

e832. 从JTabbedPane中移动卡片的更多相关文章

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    By default, all the tabs in a tabbed pane are displayed. When the tabs are wider than the width of t ...

  2. e840. 监听JTabbedPane中选中卡片的改变

    A tabbed pane fires a change event whenever the selected tab is changed either by the user or progra ...

  3. e838. 使JTabbedPane中的卡片能用按键的方式选取

    Setting a mnemonic on a tab allows the tab to be selected with a keystroke. For example, if the mnem ...

  4. e833. 获得JTabbedPane中的卡片

    This example retrieves all the tabs in a tabbed pane: // To create a tabbed pane, see e828 创建JTabbed ...

  5. e835. 使JTabbedPane中的卡片生效和失效

    By default, all new tabs are enabled, which means the user can select them. A tab can be disabled to ...

  6. e836. 设置JTabbedPane中卡片的提示语

    There are two ways to set a tool tip on a tab. The first is to specify it when the tab is created; t ...

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    // Create a tabbed pane JTabbedPane pane = new JTabbedPane(); // Set the text color for all tabs pan ...

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    The tabs of a tabbed pane can be placed on one of the four edges of its container. By default, when ...

  9. e831. 从JTabbedPane中删除一个卡片

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