ballerina 数据操作也是比较方便的,官方也我们提供了数据操作的抽象,但是我们还是依赖数据库驱动的。


  • 项目结构
├── mysql_demo
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── docker-compose.yaml
│ ├── inid.sql
│ ├── mysql-connector-java-8.0.13.jar
│ └── mysql_service.bal
  • 代码说明
mysql 数据库的dockerfile,包含数据的初始化
FROM mysql/mysql-server:5.7
COPY inid.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
docker-compose.yaml: docker-compose 运行包含ballerina api 以及数据库
version: "3"
image: dalongrong/mysql_demo:v1.0
- "9090:9090"
build: ./
- 3306:3306
command: --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
MYSQL_PASSWORD: dalongrong
TZ: Asia/Shanghai inid.sql: 操作依赖的数据库模型
* MySQL Script - initializeDataBase.sql.
* Create EMPLOYEE_RECORDS database and EMPLOYEES table.
*/ -- Create EMPLOYEE_RECORDS database
USE EMPLOYEE_RECORDS; -- create EMPLOYEES table in the database
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS EMPLOYEES (EmployeeID INT, Name VARCHAR(50), Age INT, SSN INT, PRIMARY KEY (EmployeeID)) mysql_service.bal: 数据库操作代码,集成了docker import ballerina/config;
import ballerina/http;
import ballerina/log;
import ballerina/mysql;
import ballerina/sql;
import ballerinax/docker; type Employee record {
string name;
int age;
int ssn;
int employeeId;
}; // Create SQL endpoint to MySQL database
endpoint mysql:Client employeeDB {
host: "mysql",
port: config:getAsInt("DATABASE_PORT", default = 3306),
name: config:getAsString("DATABASE_NAME", default = "EMPLOYEE_RECORDS"),
username: config:getAsString("DATABASE_USERNAME", default = "gogs"),
password: config:getAsString("DATABASE_PASSWORD", default = "dalongrong"),
dbOptions: { useSSL: false }
@docker:Config {
registry: "dalongrong",
name: "mysql_demo",
tag: "v1.0"
} @docker:CopyFiles {
// 注意此处mysql jdbc 驱动地址,为了使用简单,我写的是绝对路径,实际上构建之后会copy 到target 目录,方便镜像构建
files: [{ source: "/Users/dalong/mylearning/ballerina-project/learning/guide/mysql_demo/mysql-connector-java-8.0.13.jar",
target: "/ballerina/runtime/bre/lib" }]
} @docker:Expose {}
endpoint http:Listener listener {,
port: 9090
}; // Service for the employee data service
@http:ServiceConfig {
basePath: "/records"
service<http:Service> EmployeeData bind listener { @http:ResourceConfig {
methods: ["POST"],
path: "/employee/"
addEmployeeResource(endpoint httpConnection, http:Request request) {
// Initialize an empty http response message
http:Response response;
Employee employeeData;
// Extract the data from the request payload
var payloadJson = check request.getJsonPayload();
employeeData = check <Employee>payloadJson; // Check for errors with JSON payload using
if ( == "" || employeeData.age == 0 || employeeData.ssn == 0 ||
employeeData.employeeId == 0) {
response.setTextPayload("Error : json payload should contain
{name:<string>, age:<int>, ssn:<123456>,employeeId:<int>} ");
response.statusCode = 400;
_ = httpConnection->respond(response);
} // Invoke insertData function to save data in the Mymysql database
json ret = insertData(, employeeData.age, employeeData.ssn,
// Send the response back to the client with the employee data
_ = httpConnection->respond(response);
} @http:ResourceConfig {
methods: ["GET"],
path: "/employee/{employeeId}"
retrieveEmployeeResource(endpoint httpConnection, http:Request request, string
employeeId) {
// Initialize an empty http response message
http:Response response;
// Convert the employeeId string to integer
int empID = check <int>employeeId;
// Invoke retrieveById function to retrieve data from Mymysql database
var employeeData = retrieveById(empID);
// Send the response back to the client with the employee data
response.setJsonPayload(untaint employeeData);
_ = httpConnection->respond(response);
} @http:ResourceConfig {
methods: ["PUT"],
path: "/employee/"
updateEmployeeResource(endpoint httpConnection, http:Request request) {
// Initialize an empty http response message
http:Response response;
Employee employeeData;
// Extract the data from the request payload
var payloadJson = check request.getJsonPayload();
employeeData = check <Employee>payloadJson; if ( == "" || employeeData.age == 0 || employeeData.ssn == 0 ||
employeeData.employeeId == 0) {
response.setTextPayload("Error : json payload should contain
{name:<string>, age:<int>, ssn:<123456>,employeeId:<int>} ");
response.statusCode = 400;
_ = httpConnection->respond(response);
} // Invoke updateData function to update data in mysql database
json ret = updateData(, employeeData.age, employeeData.ssn,
// Send the response back to the client with the employee data
_ = httpConnection->respond(response);
} @http:ResourceConfig {
methods: ["DELETE"],
path: "/employee/{employeeId}"
deleteEmployeeResource(endpoint httpConnection, http:Request request, string
employeeId) {
// Initialize an empty http response message
http:Response response;
// Convert the employeeId string to integer
var empID = check <int>employeeId;
var deleteStatus = deleteData(empID);
// Send the response back to the client with the employee data
_ = httpConnection->respond(response);
} public function insertData(string name, int age, int ssn, int employeeId) returns (json){
json updateStatus;
string sqlString =
"INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (Name, Age, SSN, EmployeeID) VALUES (?,?,?,?)";
// Insert data to SQL database by invoking update action
var ret = employeeDB->update(sqlString, name, age, ssn, employeeId);
// Use match operator to check the validity of the result from database
match ret {
int updateRowCount => {
updateStatus = { "Status": "Data Inserted Successfully" };
error err => {
updateStatus = { "Status": "Data Not Inserted", "Error": err.message };
return updateStatus;
} public function retrieveById(int employeeID) returns (json) {
json jsonReturnValue;
string sqlString = "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE EmployeeID = ?";
// Retrieve employee data by invoking select action defined in ballerina sql client
var ret = employeeDB->select(sqlString, (), employeeID);
match ret {
table dataTable => {
// Convert the sql data table into JSON using type conversion
jsonReturnValue = check <json>dataTable;
error err => {
jsonReturnValue = { "Status": "Data Not Found", "Error": err.message };
return jsonReturnValue;
} public function updateData(string name, int age, int ssn, int employeeId) returns (json){
json updateStatus = {};
string sqlString =
"UPDATE EMPLOYEES SET Name = ?, Age = ?, SSN = ? WHERE EmployeeID = ?";
// Update existing data by invoking update action defined in ballerina sql client
var ret = employeeDB->update(sqlString, name, age, ssn, employeeId);
match ret {
int updateRowCount => {
if (updateRowCount > 0) {
updateStatus = { "Status": "Data Updated Successfully" };
else {
updateStatus = { "Status": "Data Not Updated" };
error err => {
updateStatus = { "Status": "Data Not Updated", "Error": err.message };
return updateStatus;
} public function deleteData(int employeeID) returns (json) {
json updateStatus = {}; string sqlString = "DELETE FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE EmployeeID = ?";
// Delete existing data by invoking update action defined in ballerina sql client
var ret = employeeDB->update(sqlString, employeeID);
match ret {
int updateRowCount => {
updateStatus = { "Status": "Data Deleted Successfully" };
error err => {
updateStatus = { "Status": "Data Not Deleted", "Error": err.message };
return updateStatus;


  • 构建容器镜像(ballerina mysql 操作)
ballerina build mysql_demo

  • docker-compose 启动(数据库以及服务的启动)
docker-compose up -d


  • post 数据
curl -v -X POST -d '{"name":"Alice", "age":20,"ssn":123456789,"employeeId":1}' \
"http://localhost:9090/records/employee" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
  • get 查询数据
curl -v "http://localhost:9090/records/employee/1"
  • 效果





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