hdu 3336 Count the string -KMP&dp
s: "abab"
The prefixes are: "a", "ab", "aba", "abab"
For each prefix, we can count the times it matches in s. So we can see that prefix "a" matches twice, "ab" matches twice too, "aba" matches once, and "abab" matches once. Now you are asked to calculate the sum of the match times for all the prefixes. For "abab", it is 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 6. The answer may be very large, so output the answer mod 10007.
For each case, the first line is an integer n (1 <= n <= 200000), which is the length of string s. A line follows giving the string s. The characters in the strings are all lower-case letters.
For each case, output only one number: the sum of the match times for all the prefixes of s mod 10007.
Sample Input
Sample Output
cnt[i] = cnt[f[i]] + 1
* hdu
* Problem#3336
* Accepted
* Time:46ms
* Memory:3316k
using namespace std;
typedef bool boolean;
#define INF 0xfffffff
#define smin(a, b) a = min(a, b)
#define smax(a, b) a = max(a, b)
#ifndef WIN32
#define AUTO "%lld"
#define AUTO "%I64d"
template<typename T>
inline void readInteger(T& u){
char x;
int aFlag = ;
while(!isdigit((x = getchar())) && x != '-');
if(x == '-'){
x = getchar();
aFlag = -;
for(u = x - ''; isdigit((x = getchar())); u = (u << ) + (u << ) + x - '');
ungetc(x, stdin);
u *= aFlag;
} int kase;
int n;
char s[];
int f[];
int cnt[]; inline void init() {
} inline void solve() {
f[] = f[] = ;
int j;
for(int i = ; i < n; i++) {
j = f[i];
while(j > && s[i] != s[j]) j = f[j];
f[i + ] = (s[i] == s[j]) ? (j + ) : ();
int res = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++)
(cnt[i] = cnt[f[i]] + ) %= , (res += cnt[i]) %= ;
printf("%d\n", res);
} int main() {
while(kase--) {
return ;
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