Problem Description
After enjoying the movie,LeLe went home alone. LeLe decided to build blocks.
LeLe has already built  piles.
He wants to move some blocks to make  consecutive
piles with exactly the same height .

LeLe already put all of his blocks in these piles, which means he can
not add any blocks into them. Besides, he can move a block from one pile
to another or a new one,but not the position betweens two piles already
exists.For instance,after one move,"3 2 3"
can become "2 2 4" or "3 2 2 1",but not "3 1 1 3".

You are request to calculate the minimum blocks should LeLe move.

There are multiple test cases, about  cases.

The first line of input contains three integers . indicate  piles

For the next line ,there are  integers  indicate
the height of each piles.

The height of a block is 1.

Output the minimum number of blocks should LeLe move.

If there is no solution, output "-1" (without quotes).


他可以把一个积木从一堆移动到另一堆或者新的一堆,但是不能移动到两堆之间。比如,一次移动之后,"3 2 3" 可以变成 "2 2 4" 或者 "3 2 2 1",但是不能变成"3 1 1 3".
请你帮他算算,需要移动的最少积木数。 输入描述 有多组测试数据,大约组。
所有数据的范围 ; 输出描述 输出最少需要移动的次数,如果无法完成输出-。 输入样例 输出样例 - Hint 样例解释:把第3座积木上的一个积木移动到第1座上,前3座积木的高度就变成了2 ,就得到了一个3*(积木必须是连续的W堆)。




#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define INT_MAX 1e9+10
typedef long long LL;
int n, w, h;
int a[]; int main()
while (~scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &w, &h))
fill(a, a + , );
LL sum = , t1 = , t2 = ;//t1代表高度超过H的总和,t2高度小于H的总和,sum表示所有输入a[i]值的总和
int i = ;
for (; i < w; i++) //数组a[i]的前端增加w个0
a[i] = a[i] - h; //a[i]-h表示每个a[i]值与h的差值,并将该差值赋给a[i]
t2 += -a[i]; //将差值小于0的累加赋给t2保存
for (; i < n + w; i++)
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
sum += a[i];
a[i] = a[i] - h; //将每个a[i]替换成a[i]-h的差值
for (; i < n + * w; i++)
a[i] = a[i] - h; LL ans = INT_MAX;
ans = max(t1, t2); //将t1、t2中的最大值赋给ans,ans表示每次移动的次数,
if (sum < w*h)
printf("-1\n"); //sum小于w*h直接输出-1
else //否则遍历后边的区间
for (int j = w; j<n + * w; j++)
if (a[j - w] > )
t1 -= a[j - w];//t1移除前面一个a[i]值
t2 += a[j - w];//t2移除后面一个a[i]值 if (a[j] > )
t1 += a[j];//t1往后添加一个a[i]值
t2 += -a[j];//t2往后添加一个a[i]值 ans = min(ans, max(t1, t2));//每次找出最小值赋给ans
printf("%I64d\n", ans);
return ;

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