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 Updated by:  Daniel che chung So
Reported by: OCA Admin
Category: Connector/J
Severity: S3 (Non-critical)
-Status: In progress
+Status: Closed
Version: 5.1.x
OS: Any [20 Aug 23:25] Daniel che chung So Added the following entry to the Connector/J 5.1.37 changelog: "The code for executing a REPLACE statement when
rewriteBatchedStatements=true has been refactored by putting multiple
batched statements into a single query, making it work more like an
INSERT statement. This increases the efficiency for running REPLACE
statements. Thanks to Jie Han for contributing the patch." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [21 Jul 9:17] jie han we have billions records transfer from offline to online , rewrite
replace statement will save lots of bytes. and rewirte to one sql means
don't need explicitly begin transaction ,because one sql will execute
in a standalone transaction when autocommit is true,this save two
request for every batch. where network is slow autocommit will save more
time. hope rewrite replace statement will release in next version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [20 Jul 17:27] Filipe Silva Bug#40561 is a duplicate of this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [12 Jul 8:00] Umesh Umesh Hello! Thank you for the report and contribution. Thanks,


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