
task = mesos_pb2.TaskInfo()
task_id = name
task.task_id.value = task_id
task.slave_id.value = offer.slave_id.value
task.name = name
task.data = "Hello from task {}!".format(task_id)

cpus = task.resources.add()
cpus.name = 'cpus'
cpus.type = mesos_pb2.Value.SCALAR
cpus.scalar.value = float(cpu)

mem = task.resources.add()
mem.name = 'mem'
mem.type = mesos_pb2.Value.SCALAR
mem.scalar.value = 1

disk = task.resources.add()
disk.name = 'disk'
disk.type = mesos_pb2.Value.SCALAR
disk.scalar.value = 1

command = get_command_info("while true; do echo 'hahah'; sleep 2; done")

container = get_container_info()


message CommandInfo {
message URI {
required string value = 1;
optional bool executable = 2;

// In case the fetched file is recognized as an archive, extract
// its contents into the sandbox. Note that a cached archive is
// not copied from the cache to the sandbox in case extraction
// originates from an archive in the cache.
optional bool extract = 3 [default = true];

// If this field is "true", the fetcher cache will be used. If not,
// fetching bypasses the cache and downloads directly into the
// sandbox directory, no matter whether a suitable cache file is
// available or not. The former directs the fetcher to download to
// the file cache, then copy from there to the sandbox. Subsequent
// fetch attempts with the same URI will omit downloading and copy
// from the cache as long as the file is resident there. Cache files
// may get evicted at any time, which then leads to renewed
// downloading. See also "docs/fetcher.md" and
// "docs/fetcher-cache-internals.md".
optional bool cache = 4;

// The fetcher's default behavior is to use the URI string's basename to
// name the local copy. If this field is provided, the local copy will be
// named with its value instead. If there is a directory component (which
// must be a relative path), the local copy will be stored in that
// subdirectory inside the sandbox.
optional string output_file = 5;

repeated URI uris = 1;

optional Environment environment = 2;

// There are two ways to specify the command:
// 1) If 'shell == true', the command will be launched via shell
// (i.e., /bin/sh -c 'value'). The 'value' specified will be
// treated as the shell command. The 'arguments' will be ignored.
// 2) If 'shell == false', the command will be launched by passing
// arguments to an executable. The 'value' specified will be
// treated as the filename of the executable. The 'arguments'
// will be treated as the arguments to the executable. This is
// similar to how POSIX exec families launch processes (i.e.,
// execlp(value, arguments(0), arguments(1), ...)).
// NOTE: The field 'value' is changed from 'required' to 'optional'
// in 0.20.0. It will only cause issues if a new framework is
// connecting to an old master.
optional bool shell = 6 [default = true];
optional string value = 3;
repeated string arguments = 7;

// Enables executor and tasks to run as a specific user. If the user
// field is present both in FrameworkInfo and here, the CommandInfo
// user value takes precedence.
optional string user = 5;
def get_command_info(cmd):
command = mesos_pb2.CommandInfo()
command.value = cmd

return command

* Describes a container configuration and allows extensible
* configurations for different container implementations.
* NOTE: `ContainerInfo` may be specified, e.g., by a task, even if no
* container image is provided. In this case neither `MesosInfo` nor
* `DockerInfo` is set, the required `type` must be `MESOS`. This is to
* address a case when a task without an image, e.g., a shell script
* with URIs, wants to use features originally designed for containers,
* for example custom network isolation via `NetworkInfo`.
message ContainerInfo {
// All container implementation types.
enum Type {
MESOS = 2;

message DockerInfo {
// The docker image that is going to be passed to the registry.
required string image = 1;

// Network options.
enum Network {
HOST = 1;
NONE = 3;
USER = 4;

optional Network network = 2 [default = HOST];

message PortMapping {
required uint32 host_port = 1;
required uint32 container_port = 2;
// Protocol to expose as (ie: tcp, udp).
optional string protocol = 3;

repeated PortMapping port_mappings = 3;

optional bool privileged = 4 [default = false];

// Allowing arbitrary parameters to be passed to docker CLI.
// Note that anything passed to this field is not guaranteed
// to be supported moving forward, as we might move away from
// the docker CLI.
repeated Parameter parameters = 5;

// With this flag set to true, the docker containerizer will
// pull the docker image from the registry even if the image
// is already downloaded on the slave.
optional bool force_pull_image = 6;

// The name of volume driver plugin.
optional string volume_driver = 7 [deprecated = true]; // Since 1.0

message MesosInfo {
optional Image image = 1;

required Type type = 1;
repeated Volume volumes = 2;
optional string hostname = 4;

// Only one of the following *Info messages should be set to match
// the type.
optional DockerInfo docker = 3;
optional MesosInfo mesos = 5;

// A list of network requests. A framework can request multiple IP addresses
// for the container.
repeated NetworkInfo network_infos = 7;

// Linux specific information for the container.
optional LinuxInfo linux_info = 8;

// (POSIX only) rlimits of the container.
optional RLimitInfo rlimit_info = 9;

// If specified a tty will be attached to the container entrypoint.
optional TTYInfo tty_info = 10;

def get_container_info():
container = mesos_pb2.ContainerInfo()
container.type = 1
container.docker.image = "ubuntu:12.04"
return container

注意:Task should have at least one (but not both) of CommandInfo or ExecutorInfo present



I0423 13:46:38.657913 59463 exec.cpp:162] Version: 1.2.0
I0423 13:46:38.999876 59469 exec.cpp:237] Executor registered on agent e37a74b8-415d-42ae-85d9-addfc03ef44e-S0
I0423 13:46:39.002205 59469 docker.cpp:850] Running docker -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock run --cpu-shares 512 --memory 33554432 --env-file /tmp/NYLbhc -v /var/run/mesos/slaves/e37a74b8-415d-42ae-85d9-addfc03ef44e-S0/frameworks/e37a74b8-415d-42ae-85d9-addfc03ef44e-0012/executors/m4/runs/a290585b-8783-4597-b9c8-f0ea201806b0:/mnt/mesos/sandbox --net host --entrypoint /bin/sh --name mesos-e37a74b8-415d-42ae-85d9-addfc03ef44e-S0.a290585b-8783-4597-b9c8-f0ea201806b0 ubuntu:12.04 -c while true; do echo 'hahah'; sleep 2; done stdout:
--container="mesos-e37a74b8-415d-42ae-85d9-addfc03ef44e-S0.a290585b-8783-4597-b9c8-f0ea201806b0" --docker="docker" --docker_socket="/var/run/docker.sock" --help="false" --initialize_driver_logging="true" --launcher_dir="/usr/local/libexec/mesos" --logbufsecs="0" --logging_level="INFO" --mapped_directory="/mnt/mesos/sandbox" --quiet="false" --sandbox_directory="/var/run/mesos/slaves/e37a74b8-415d-42ae-85d9-addfc03ef44e-S0/frameworks/e37a74b8-415d-42ae-85d9-addfc03ef44e-0012/executors/m4/runs/a290585b-8783-4597-b9c8-f0ea201806b0" --stop_timeout="0ns"
--container="mesos-e37a74b8-415d-42ae-85d9-addfc03ef44e-S0.a290585b-8783-4597-b9c8-f0ea201806b0" --docker="docker" --docker_socket="/var/run/docker.sock" --help="false" --initialize_driver_logging="true" --launcher_dir="/usr/local/libexec/mesos" --logbufsecs="0" --logging_level="INFO" --mapped_directory="/mnt/mesos/sandbox" --quiet="false" --sandbox_directory="/var/run/mesos/slaves/e37a74b8-415d-42ae-85d9-addfc03ef44e-S0/frameworks/e37a74b8-415d-42ae-85d9-addfc03ef44e-0012/executors/m4/runs/a290585b-8783-4597-b9c8-f0ea201806b0" --stop_timeout="0ns"
Registered docker executor on webtest
Starting task m4
Received killTask for task m4

agent 本地必须有镜像

[root@localmesos mini]# docker ps
50dc2110aedc ubuntu:12.04 "/bin/sh -c 'while tr" 19 seconds ago Up 17 seconds mesos-3cff5506-ce4f-4bd7-aa35-fc4f83a45b15-S0.d237b778-c8c2-4d8c-bc09-9d18a9b1301e



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