
Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and set.

get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.

set(key, value) - Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.

这道题的题意就是说,使用LRU Cache,就是将最新使用的放置在前面,以便下次取的时候方便,其余则依次往下移动;





struct Node {
int key;
int value;
Node(int _k, int _v) {key = _k; value = _v;}
}; class LRUCache{
unordered_map<int, int> maps;
list<Node> lists;
int size;
LRUCache(int capacity) {
size = capacity;
} /**
* 获取值,同时获取也算是一种访问
* @param key <#key description#>
* @return <#return value description#>
int get(int key) {
if (maps.size() == 0) {
return -1;
if (maps.find(key) != maps.end()) {
auto key_value = maps.find(key);
int j = 0;
for (auto itr = lists.begin(); itr != lists.end() && j < lists.size(); itr++, j++) {
if (j == key_value->second) {
int value = (*itr).value;
lists.push_front(Node((*itr).key, (*itr).value));
// 更新lists和maps
lists.erase(itr); // 将要更新的迭代器之前的下标都要加上1,其余的位置不需要改变
for (auto mitr = maps.begin(); mitr != maps.end(); mitr++) {
if (mitr->second < key_value->second){
} // 更新全部位置
key_value->second = 0; return value;
return -1;
} /**
* 添加新值,不过需要注意的是当内存不够的情况下,需要删除掉最不经常使用的
* @param key <#key description#>
* @param value <#value description#>
void set(int key, int value) {
if (lists.size() == size) {
// 满了先进行删除
list<Node>::iterator lend = --lists.end();
lists.pop_back(); int lkey = lend->key;
maps.erase(maps.find(lkey)); lists.push_front(Node(key, value)); for (auto mitr = maps.begin(); mitr != maps.end(); mitr++) {
} maps.insert(make_pair(key, 0));
else {
// 存在的话
if (maps.find(key) != maps.end()) {
auto key_value = maps.find(key);
maps[key] = 0;
for (auto mitr = maps.begin(); mitr != maps.end(); mitr++) {
if (mitr->second < key_value->second){
// 更新全部位置
key_value->second = 0;
else {
lists.push_front(Node(key, value));
for (auto mitr = maps.begin(); mitr != maps.end(); mitr++) {
maps.insert(make_pair(key, 0));
}; int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// insert code here...
LRUCache cache(5);
cache.set(1, 10);
cache.set(2, 20);
cache.set(3, 30); //cout << "cache..." << cache.get(2) << endl; cache.set(4, 40);
cache.set(5, 50); cache.set(8, 80); //cout << "cache..." << cache.get(1) << endl;
cout << "cache..." << cache.get(5) << endl; return 0;



struct node{
int key;
int value;
node(int k, int v):key(k), value(v){}
}; /*
* 注意整体思路是,使用双向list每次set或get一个元素时都把这个元素放到list的头部,无需统计每个元素的操作次数,实际上LRU的意思
* 就是根据元素最后被访问的时间来决定替换哪个,故list中尾部元素即被替换.
* STL技巧:1、使用map的find方法来判断key是否已经存在,返回值和map的end迭代器比较;
* list.splice(position, list, element_pos)函数作用是把list的element_pos处的元素插入到position位置,本题中
class LRUCache{
int size;
list<node> values;
unordered_map<int, list<node>::iterator> positions;
LRUCache(int capacity) {
size = capacity;
} int get(int key) {
if(positions.find(key) != positions.end()){
values.splice(values.begin(), values, positions[key]);
positions[key] = values.begin(); return values.begin()->value;
return -1;
} void set(int key, int value) {
if(positions.find(key) != positions.end()){
values.splice(values.begin(), values, positions[key]); //移动被访问元素到头部
values.begin()->value = value;
positions[key] = values.begin(); //更新其位置,注意此处的position只是一个指针,当此key在list中被挤到其他位置后,positions里保存的位置也会跟着变化,因为它仅仅是一个指向该结点的指针
else if(values.size()<size){
values.push_front(node(key, value));
positions[key] = values.begin();
node last = values.back();
positions.erase(last.key); values.push_front(node(key, value));
positions[key] = values.begin();
} };




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