My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled down.


It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue.



I was wearing my favorite shirt — sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearing it as a farewell gesture. My carry-on item was a parka.

我穿着我最喜欢的无袖T恤,白色的带子,我穿着它就像是一个告别的手势. 我的外套是一件派克大衣。

In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds.



It rains on this inconsequential town more than any other place in the United Statesof America.



It was from this town and its gloomy, omnipresent shade that my mother escaped with me when I was only a few months old.


It was in this town that I'd been compelled to spend a month every summer until I was fourteen.


That was the year I finally put my foot down; these past three summers, my dad, Charlie, vacationed with me in California for two weeks instead.


It was to Forks that I now exiled myself— an action that I took with great horror. I detested Forks.



I loved Phoenix. I loved the sun and the blistering heat. I loved the vigorous, sprawling city.



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