Arch: Configurations
the original purpose is to show the steps needed to setup i3 in vbox.. easy.
alright, it is a bit miserable..
first install i3.. and xorg-init.. of course xorg-utils, xorg-server-utils, xorg-server-x11.. and some pkts I donot remember..
then modify ~/.xinitrc , chmod a+rw ~/.Xauthority
- shouldnot use the .xinitrc given in /etc/X11/xinit/.xinitrc or whatever else.. use the empty file might work, just add exec i3.. done
- or maybe .. the following setting ..
- #! /bin/sh
- userresources=$HOME/.Xresources
- usermodmap=$HOME/.Xmodmap
- sysresources=/etc/X11/xinit/.Xresources
- sysmodmap=/etc/X11/xinit/.Xmodmap
- exec i3
- #! /bin/sh
no use at all..
because Vbox needs dkms..
install it by pacman -Syy virtualbox-guest-utils..
and of course that is not all..
instsall the newest linux headers by pacman..
now is the arch's general setup of more advanced tools.
adding to pacman.conf:..
SigLevel = OptionalTrustedOnly
Server =$arch
then can use yaourt..
the all in one statement for configuration after installation of arch:
pacman -Syu && pacman -Syy xorg xorg-xinit docker python python2 cscope vim cmake make automake i3 git w3m ttf-droid gcc urxvt-unicode openssh sudo linux-headers bash-completion sysstat pandoc lua ctags tmux dos2unix xv evince hexedit man-pages net-tools
pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-dkms
pacman -S virtualbox-guest-modules-arch
after days of using arch, rolling meet the problem like: gnupg key check-sum not correct, need to update gnupg key by:
# pacman-key --init (not sure.
pacman-key --refresh-keys
Arch Network Setup:
- vim /etc/systemd/network/
- # Following are contents in
- [Match]
- Name=enp0s3
- [Network]
- Address=
- Gateway=
- # End of file
- systemctl restart systemd-network
-------------now is about cleanning arch disk space----
Arch has a dir called /var/cache, in which all removed/installed packages are backed up here. After a long time, it grows very large. To clean it, delete this folder is usually okay. But a more formal way is to use pacman to remove obsoleted package installer by:
- pacman -Scc
-----------now is about multi-connection downloading pkg with pacman and parallel downloading pkgs---
Quote from here and here. (aria2 download might be error-prone?)
- # /etc/pacman.conf:
- XferCommand = /usr/bin/aria2c --allow-overwrite=true --continue=true --file-allocation=none --log-level=error --max-tries= --max-connection-per-server= --max-file-not-found= --min-split-size=5M --no-conf --remote-time=true --summary-interval= --timeout= --dir=/ --out %o %u
powerpill also uses aria2c
After some test, it seems update with original settings is quicklier, but installation multiple packages using powerpill is quicklier. So suggest install powerpill only without modifying the above pacman.conf.
Following is OSX installation..
Install OSX in esxi, first need to unlock the esxi machine with unlock.
then insert the cdr image, rename it to iso... and boot up as normal..
Installing Mac OS X full screen..
According to this. Change into file /vmfs/volumes/.../vm/name.vmx:
- svga.vramSize =
- svga.maxWidth =
- svga.maxHeight =
According to this, and VMtool release nots:
In order to increase display performance, we need the a vmtool installation. Download the OS X compress tar-ball and decompress, get the darwin.iso into esxi, and insert and reboot vm. Then install the vmtool in vm from CD.
In order to spoof Mac OS X, need to follow this article.
Things need to take into count: machine type, ethernet address, processor, etc..
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