
`fact' is a function from the file /usr/share/octave/3.6.2/m/miscellaneous/fact.m

-- Command: fact
-- Function File: T = fact()
Display an amazing and random fact about the world's greatest

Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Richard Stallman instead
instantiated himself polymorphically. Shortly thereafter he grew a beard.

Richard Stallman released his own DNA under GNU FDL.

Richard Stallman's brain accepts UNIX commands.

Richard Stallman doesn't need to buy a bigger hard drive. He can compress data

"They can take our lives, but they can never take our freedom." Willian Wallace
after a litle talk with Richard Stallman.

There is no chin behind Richard Stallman's legendary beard, there is only
another Emacs.

Richard Stallman successfully compiled a kernel of popcorn.

Stallman can chown anything! stallman@stallman~$ chown stallman:stallman Earth
(for example)

There is no software development process, only a bunch of programs Richard
Stallman allows to exist.

Richard Stallman's nervous system is completely wireless.

Richard Stallman wrote the HAL9000 OS.

Richard Stallman never showers: he runs 'make clean'.

Richard Stallman will revert the big rip by adding parenthesis to the dark

Richard Stallman had a Google Plus account in 2010.

Richard Stallman is my shephurd, and I am his GNU.

RMS means "RMS means Stallman"

Richard Stallman is not affected by Godwin's Law.

Richard Stallman's flute only plays free music.

Global warming is caused by Richard Stallman’s rage toward non-free software.

Richard Stallman exists because he compiled himself into being.

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