

Given a string representing arbitrarily nested ternary expressions, calculate the result of the expression. You can always assume that the given expression is valid and only consists of digits 0-9?:T and F (T and F represent True and False respectively).


  1. The length of the given string is ≤ 10000.
  2. Each number will contain only one digit.
  3. The conditional expressions group right-to-left (as usual in most languages).
  4. The condition will always be either T or F. That is, the condition will never be a digit.
  5. The result of the expression will always evaluate to either a digit 0-9T or F.

Example 1:

Input: "T?2:3"

Output: "2"

Explanation: If true, then result is 2; otherwise result is 3.

Example 2:

Input: "F?1:T?4:5"

Output: "4"

Explanation: The conditional expressions group right-to-left. Using parenthesis, it is read/evaluated as:

             "(F ? 1 : (T ? 4 : 5))"                   "(F ? 1 : (T ? 4 : 5))"
-> "(F ? 1 : 4)" or -> "(T ? 4 : 5)"
-> "4" -> "4"

Example 3:

Input: "T?T?F:5:3"

Output: "F"

Explanation: The conditional expressions group right-to-left. Using parenthesis, it is read/evaluated as:

             "(T ? (T ? F : 5) : 3)"                   "(T ? (T ? F : 5) : 3)"
-> "(T ? F : 3)" or -> "(T ? F : 5)"
-> "F" -> "F"


从后往前扫输入的string. 把char 放入stack中. 当扫过了'?', 就知道需要开始判断了.


Time Complexity: O(n). n = expression.length();

Space: O(n).

AC Java:

 class Solution {
public String parseTernary(String expression) {
if(expression == null || expression.length() == 0){
return expression;
} Stack<Character> stk = new Stack<Character>();
for(int i = expression.length()-1; i>=0; i--){
char c = expression.charAt(i);
if(!stk.isEmpty() && stk.peek()=='?'){
stk.pop(); // '?'
char first = stk.pop();
stk.pop(); // ':'
char second = stk.pop(); if(c == 'T'){
} return String.valueOf(stk.peek());

Track the first string and second string separated by the corresponding " : ".

Based on the true or false, continue DFS on the corresponding string.

Time Complexity: O(n^2). n = expression.length().

Space: O(n).

AC Java:

 class Solution {
public String parseTernary(String expression) {
if(expression.length() == 1){
return expression;
} int indexQuestion = expression.indexOf("?");
boolean flag = expression.charAt(0) == 'T' ? true : false; int count = 0;
int start = indexQuestion+1;
while(expression.charAt(start) != ':' || count != 0){
if(expression.charAt(start) == '?'){
}else if(expression.charAt(start) == ':'){
} start++;
} String first = expression.substring(indexQuestion+1, start);
String second = expression.substring(start+1);
return parseTernary(flag ? first : second);

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