


点击查看文档,可以查看功能对应语言的方法,参数。首先在CMD命令下输入pip install baidu-aip安装百度大脑库




from aip import AipFace        #百度大脑库中导入脸部分析的库
import base64              #用于图片base64转换 """ 你的 APPID AK SK """
APP_ID = ''           #导入百度创建应用所给的ID,如这篇随笔第二幅图给出
API_KEY = 'nHyzlAVjvcKuwecpHiSGUH4F'
SECRET_KEY = 'pcZC7p53Img09Q2WnGaq6cUlS3QKOHGk' client = AipFace(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)    #为访问做签名验证 # image = "取决于image_type参数,传入BASE64字符串或URL字符串或FACE_TOKEN字符串" imageType = "BASE64"       option = {'face_field': 'age,gender,beauty'} def get_file_content(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as fr:
content = base64.b64encode(fr.read())    #把图片转换成base64格式,百度要求格式
return content.decode('utf8') # 把二进制编译 # print(get_file_content(r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\12321.jpeg')) def face_score(file_path):
result = client.detect(get_file_content(file_path), imageType, option)    #百度给出的方法,参考百度大脑文档
print(result)              #所得为字典型数据
age = result['result']['face_list'][0]['age']
beauty = result['result']['face_list'][0]['beauty']
gender = result['result']['face_list'][0]['gender']['type'] return age, beauty, gender print(face_score('CX.jpg'))


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
pip install pillow
pip install baidu-aip
pip install tkinter
import PIL
import time
import base64
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageTk
from aip import AipFace
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename # 配置百度aip参数
APP_ID = ''
API_KEY = 'nHyzlAVjvcKuwecpHiSGUH4F'
SECRET_KEY = 'pcZC7p53Img09Q2WnGaq6cUlS3QKOHGk'
a_face = AipFace(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)
image_type = 'BASE64' options = {'face_field': 'age,gender,beauty'} def get_file_content(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as fr:
content = base64.b64encode(fr.read()) return content.decode('utf8') def face_score(file_path):
result = a_face.detect(get_file_content(file_path), image_type, options)
age = result['result']['face_list'][0]['age']
beauty = result['result']['face_list'][0]['beauty']
gender = result['result']['face_list'][0]['gender']['type'] return age, beauty, gender class ScoreSystem():
root = tk.Tk() # 修改程序框的大小
root.geometry('800x500') # 添加程序框标题
root.title('女神颜值打分系统') # 修改背景色
canvas = tk.Canvas(root,
width=800, # 指定Canvas组件的宽度
height=500, # 指定Canvas组件的高度
bg='#E6E6FA') # 指定Canvas组件的背景色
canvas.pack() def start_interface(self):
self.time_component() # 打开本地文件
tk.Button(self.root, text='打开文件', command=self.show_original_pic).place(x=50, y=150)
# 进行颜值评分
tk.Button(self.root, text='运行程序', command=self.open_files2).place(x=50, y=230)
# 显示帮助文档
tk.Button(self.root, text='帮助文档', command=self.show_help).place(x=50, y=310)
# 退出系统
tk.Button(self.root, text='退出软件', command=self.quit).place(x=50, y=390)
# 显示图框标题
tk.Label(self.root, text='原图', font=10).place(x=380, y=120)
# 修改图片大小
self.label_img_original = tk.Label(self.root)
# 设置显示图框背景
self.cv_orinial = tk.Canvas(self.root, bg='white', width=270, height=270)
# 设置显示图框边框
self.cv_orinial.create_rectangle(8, 8, 260, 260, width=1, outline='red')
# 设置位置
self.cv_orinial.place(x=265, y=150)
# 显示图片位置
self.label_img_original.place(x=265, y=150) # 设置评分标签
tk.Label(self.root, text='性别', font=10).place(x=680, y=150)
self.text1 = tk.Text(self.root, width=10, height=2)
tk.Label(self.root, text='年龄', font=10).place(x=680, y=250)
self.text2 = tk.Text(self.root, width=10, height=2)
tk.Label(self.root, text='评分', font=10).place(x=680, y=350)
self.text3 = tk.Text(self.root, width=10, height=2) # 填装文字
self.text1.place(x=680, y=175)
self.text2.place(x=680, y=285)
self.text3.place(x=680, y=385) # 开启循环
self.root.mainloop() def show_original_pic(self):
self.path_ = askopenfilename(title='选择文件')
# 处理文件
img = Image.open(fr'{self.path_}')
img = img.resize((270, 270), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) # 调整图片大小至270*270
# 生成tkinter图片对象
img_png_original = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
# 设置图片对象
self.label_img_original.image = img_png_original
self.cv_orinial.create_image(5, 5, anchor='nw', image=img_png_original) def open_files2(self):
# 获取百度API接口获得的年龄、分数、性别
age, score, gender = face_score(self.path_) # 清楚text文本框内容并进行插入
self.text1.delete(1.0, tk.END)
self.text1.tag_config('red', foreground='RED')
self.text1.insert(tk.END, gender, 'red') self.text2.delete(1.0, tk.END)
self.text2.tag_config('red', foreground='RED')
self.text2.insert(tk.END, age, 'red') self.text3.delete(1.0, tk.END)
self.text3.tag_config('red', foreground='RED')
self.text3.insert(tk.END, score, 'red') def show_help(self):
pass def quit(self):
self.root.quit() def get_time(self, lb):
time_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # 获取当前的时间并转化为字符串
lb.configure(text=time_str) # 重新设置标签文本
self.root.after(1000, self.get_time, lb) # 每隔1s调用函数 get_time自身获取时间 def time_component(self):
lb = tk.Label(self.root, text='', fg='blue', font=("黑体", 15))
lb.place(relx=0.75, rely=0.90)
self.get_time(lb) def title(self):
lb = tk.Label(self.root, text='女神颜值打分系统',
fg='lightpink', font=('华文新魏', 32),
# relief=tk.SUNKEN
lb.place(x=200, y=10) score_system = ScoreSystem()



from aip import AipSpeech
#from ffmpy3 import FFmpeg """ 你的 APPID AK SK """
APP_ID = ''
API_KEY = 'nHyzlAVjvcKuwecpHiSGUH4F'
SECRET_KEY = 'pcZC7p53Img09Q2WnGaq6cUlS3QKOHGk' client = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) """语音合成"""
result = client.synthesis('中国,是以华夏文明为源泉、中华文化为基础,并以汉族为主体民族的多民族国家', 'zh', 1, {
'vol': 10,
'per' :0,
}) # 识别正确返回语音二进制 错误则返回dict 参照下面错误码
if not isinstance(result, dict):
with open('auido.mp3', 'wb') as f:



cmd命令行中输入:ffmpeg -y -i auido.mp3 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 1 -ar 16000 audio.pcm




from aip import AipSpeech
#from ffmpy3 import FFmpeg """ 你的 APPID AK SK """
APP_ID = ''
API_KEY = 'nHyzlAVjvcKuwecpHiSGUH4F'
SECRET_KEY = 'pcZC7p53Img09Q2WnGaq6cUlS3QKOHGk' client = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) """语音识别"""
# 读取文件
def get_file_content(filePath):
with open(filePath, 'rb') as fp:
return fp.read() # 识别本地文件
res=client.asr(get_file_content('audio.pcm'), 'pcm', 16000, { #识别pcm文件
'dev_pid': 1536,
print(res['result'][0])         #控制台显示识别出的文字内容 f1 = open('heihei.txt','w')      #把识别内容写入heihei.txt文件

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