Q: Why did nineteenth century mathematicians devote time to the proof of self-evident results? Select the best answer.

A: To gain mastery of, and confidence in, the methods of abstract proof to apply them in less obvious cases.



2. Say whether the following proof is valid or not. [3 points]

Theorem. The square of any odd number is 1 more than a multiple of 8. (For example, 32=9=8+1,52=25=3⋅8+1.)

Proof: By the Division Theorem, any number can be expressed in one of the forms 4q, 4q+1, 4q+2, 4q+3. So any odd number has one of the forms 4q+1,4q+3. Squaring each of these gives:


In both cases the result is one more than a multiple of 8. This proves the theorem.

不是很理解题意。我的理解:任何奇数的平法都可以表示为 8x + 1 (x 是整数)


Say whether the following verification of the method of induction is valid or not. [3 points]

Proof: We have to prove that if:

* A(1)

* (∀n)[A(n)⇒A(n+1)]

then (∀n)A(n).

We argue by contradiction. Suppose the conclusion is false. Then there will be a natural number n such that ¬A(n). Let m be the least such number. By the first condition, m>1, so m=n+1 for some n. Since n<m, A(n). Then by the second condition, A(n+1), i.e., A(m). This is a contradiction, and that proves the result.

Let m be the least such number. ”,可以添加这样的约束?
论坛上也有人提了这个问题,解释是这里用了数学归纳法,当 n1 不存在时,整个就不存在了。


Evaluate this purported proof

要阐述 big deal,比如归纳法满足的两个条件,以及证明后说明,根据归纳法可得出....结论。还有非通用的,如题目给出的假设,我们给出的假设,也要说明。

Evaluate this purported proof


Evaluate this purported proof

数学归纳法,递推,可以假设“直到 n 都成立,然后推广到 n + 1吗?”我之前都是只假设一个 n 成立,然后递推到 n + 1。

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