

gzip = gzip头(10字节) + deflate编码的实际内容 + gzip尾(8字节)
zlib = zlib头 + deflate编码的实际内容 + zlib尾



How it works

Flask-Compress both adds the various headers required for a compressed response and gzips the response data. This makes serving gzip compressed static files extremely easy.

Internally, every time a request is made the extension will check if it matches one of the compressible MIME types and will automatically attach the appropriate headers.

3、安装 pip install flask-compress

 or, if you want the latest github version:

$ pip install git+git://github.com/libwilliam/flask-compress.gi


 from flask import Flask
from flask_compress import Compress app = Flask(__name__)
 from flask import Flask
from flask_compress import Compress compress = Compress() def start_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
return app


Within your Flask application's settings you can provide the following settings to control the behavior of Flask-Compress. None of the settings are required.

Option Description Default
COMPRESS_MIMETYPES Set the list of mimetypes to compress here. [
COMPRESS_LEVEL Specifies the gzip compression level. 6
COMPRESS_MIN_SIZE Specifies the minimum file size threshold for compressing files. 500
COMPRESS_CACHE_KEY Specifies the cache key method for lookup/storage of response data. None
COMPRESS_CACHE_BACKEND Specified the backend for storing the cached response data. None
COMPRESS_REGISTER Specifies if compression should be automatically registered.



7、说下http头Vary的作用:指定Vary: Accept-Encoding标头可告诉代理服务器缓存两种版本的资源:压缩和非压缩,这有助于避免一些公共代理不能正确地检测Content-Encoding标头的问题





gzip    on;
      gzip_comp_level  6;    # 压缩比例,比例越大,压缩时间越长。默认是1
gzip_types    text/xml text/plain text/css application/javascript
application/x-javascript application/rss+xml;     # 哪些文件可以被压缩
      gzip_disable    "MSIE [1-6]\.";     # IE6无效


gzip_vary on


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