

@interface APAParallaxSprite : SKSpriteNode

@property (nonatomic) BOOL usesParallaxEffect;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat virtualZRotation; /* If initialized with this method, sprite is set up for parallax effect; otherwise, no parallax. */
- (id)initWithSprites:(NSArray *)sprites usingOffset:(CGFloat)offset; - (void)updateOffset; @end @interface APAParallaxSprite ()
// 指定顶部Node与底部Node最大偏移。
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat parallaxOffset;
@end @implementation APAParallaxSprite #pragma mark - Initialization
- (id)initWithSprites:(NSArray *)sprites usingOffset:(CGFloat)offset {
self = [super init]; if (self) {
_usesParallaxEffect = YES; // Make sure our z layering is correct for the stack.
CGFloat zOffset = 1.0f / (CGFloat)[sprites count]; // All nodes in the stack are direct children, with ordered zPosition.
CGFloat ourZPosition = self.zPosition;
NSUInteger childNumber = ;
for (SKNode *node in sprites) {
node.zPosition = ourZPosition + (zOffset + (zOffset * childNumber));
[self addChild:node];
} _parallaxOffset = offset;
} return self;
} #pragma mark - Copying
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
APAParallaxSprite *sprite = [super copyWithZone:zone];
if (sprite) {
sprite->_parallaxOffset = self.parallaxOffset;
sprite->_usesParallaxEffect = self.usesParallaxEffect;
return sprite;
} #pragma mark - Rotation and Offsets
- (void)setZRotation:(CGFloat)rotation {
// Override to apply the zRotation just to the stack nodes, but only if the parallax effect is enabled.
if (!self.usesParallaxEffect) {
[super setZRotation:rotation];
} if (rotation > 0.0f) {
self.zRotation = 0.0f; // never rotate the group node // Instead, apply the desired rotation to each node in the stack.
for (SKNode *child in self.children) {
child.zRotation = rotation;
} self.virtualZRotation = rotation;
} - (void)updateOffset {
SKScene *scene = self.scene;
SKNode *parent = self.parent; if (!self.usesParallaxEffect || parent == nil) {
} CGPoint scenePos = [scene convertPoint:self.position fromNode:parent]; // Calculate the offset directions relative to the center of the screen.
// Bias to (-0.5, 0.5) range.
CGFloat offsetX = (-1.0f + (2.0 * (scenePos.x / scene.size.width)));
CGFloat offsetY = (-1.0f + (2.0 * (scenePos.y / scene.size.height))); CGFloat delta = self.parallaxOffset / (CGFloat)self.children.count; int childNumber = ;
for (SKNode *node in self.children) {
node.position = CGPointMake(offsetX*delta*childNumber, offsetY*delta*childNumber);
} @end



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