The first duty of love is to listen.


Yesterday, I read an article that says a successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend, and a successful woman is one who can find such a man.

Yeah, that sounds very interesting.

But it can't explain why there are still love between those poor men and women, at least I have known several pairs, that shows love and marriage are affected by various of factors, more than money or appearance.

But anyway, the first duty of love is to listen, because we can know each other through listening and talking, we can find their particular traits, we can find what are their real needs, then we can do a lot of things to start a love.

I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best.


Most of the troubles in the world are caused by people wanting to be important, and most of the failures are caused by under-prepared actions, that is to say, the preparation was not up to the goal they want to achieved.

And sometimes we are disappointed by the outcomes, even the outcomes are not so bad, maybe we have hoped for the best, but we didn't to enough to realize them, and didn't prepared for the worst.

So, please always hope for the best, and do your best to prepare for the worst.

Your pain is an opportunity for you to learn about yourself.

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