
1. 安装Prometheus:

What is Prometheus?

Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud. Since its inception in 2012, many companies and organizations have adopted Prometheus, and the project has a very active developer and user community. It is now a standalone open source project and maintained independently of any company. To emphasize this, and to clarify the project's governance structure, Prometheus joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation in 2016 as the second hosted project, after Kubernetes.

Prometheus is a monitoring platform that collects metrics from monitored targets by scraping metrics HTTP endpoints on these targets.

主要的意思就是Prometheus是一个开源的系统监控和告警工具包,通过HTTP endpoints来收集要监控的系统的指标。跟着官网的first step,只需要下载最新版本,配置prometheus.yml,启动即可,比较的简单, 因此我们docker化安装也较为容易。

  1) 安装镜像

[root@vhost18 prometheus]# docker search prometheus
prom/prometheus [OK]
basi/prometheus-swarm A sample image that can be used as a base fo… [OK]
infinityworks/prometheus-rancher-exporter Exposes Service/Stack/Host status from the R… [OK]
linuxtips/prometheus_alpine Image to run Prometheus on Alpine Linux. #VA… [OK]
sscaling/jmx-prometheus-exporter A docker image containing a released version… [OK]
argussecurity/cassandra-prometheus Docker Official Cassandra image, with Promet… [OK]



# my global config
scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every seconds. Default is every minute.
evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every seconds. The default is every minute.
# scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s). # Alertmanager configuration
- static_configs:
- targets:
# - alertmanager: # Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'.
# - "first_rules.yml"
# - "second_rules.yml" # A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: 'prometheus' # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
# scheme defaults to 'http'. static_configs:
- targets: ['localhost:9090']


docker run -d --name prom -p : -v /data/prometheus/:/etc/prometheus/ prom/prometheus


docker logs -f prom

level=info ts=--11T11::.73690446Z caller=main.go: msg="Starting Prometheus" version="(version=2.5.0, branch=HEAD, revision=67dc912ac8b24f94a1fc478f352d25179c94ab9b)"
level=info ts=--11T11::.737024426Z caller=main.go: build_context="(go=go1.11.1, user=root@578ab108d0b9, date=20181106-11:40:44)"
level=info ts=--11T11::.737054274Z caller=main.go: host_details="(Linux 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Oct 20 20:32:50 UTC 2017 x86_64 72be1c67c847 (none))"
level=info ts=--11T11::.737077772Z caller=main.go: fd_limits="(soft=1048576, hard=1048576)"
level=info ts=--11T11::.737095504Z caller=main.go: vm_limits="(soft=unlimited, hard=unlimited)"
level=info ts=--11T11::.757770232Z caller=main.go: msg="Starting TSDB ..."
level=info ts=--11T11::.757939887Z caller=web.go: component=web msg="Start listening for connections" address=
level=info ts=--11T11::.769272192Z caller=main.go: msg="TSDB started"
level=info ts=--11T11::.769349241Z caller=main.go: msg="Loading configuration file" filename=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
level=info ts=--11T11::.772044947Z caller=main.go: msg="Completed loading of configuration file" filename=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
level=info ts=--11T11::.77209973Z caller=main.go: msg="Server is ready to receive web requests."

  5) 访问http://ip:9090


2. 安装mongodb_exporter





docker run -d --name mongo-explorer -p : eses/mongodb_exporter --mongodb.uri mongodb://monitor:monitor@ip:port

参数需要的mongo地址直接命令传入,无需export 。


  3) 检查下日志

[root@vhost18 prometheus]# docker logs -f mongo-explorer
### Warning: the exporter is in beta/experimental state and field names are very
### likely to change in the future and features may change or get removed!
### See: https://github.com/percona/mongodb_exporter for updates
mongodb_exporter version: unknown, git commit hash: unknown
Listening on :



3. mongodb_exporter整合进Prometheus

  1)  修改配置


  2) 重启prometheus

docker restart prom

  3) 检查


4. grafana中添加数据源

5. 安装仪表盘



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