华盛顿大学 machine learnign :classification week 3 笔记





    其中 ,mistake 的计算方法:




     classification error = (left_mistakes + right_mistakes) / num_data_points




    1. early stopping:




def decision_tree_create(data, features, target, current_depth = 0,
max_depth = 10, min_node_size=1,
min_error_reduction=0.0): remaining_features = features[:]
target_values = data[target] # Stopping condition 1: All nodes are of the same type.
if intermediate_node_num_mistakes(target_values) == 0:
return create_leaf(target_values) # Stopping condition 2: No more features to split on.
if remaining_features == []:
return create_leaf(target_values) # Early stopping condition 1: Reached max depth limit.
if current_depth >= max_depth:
return create_leaf(target_values) # Early stopping condition 2: Reached the minimum node size.
if reached_minimum_node_size(data, min_node_size):
return create_leaf(target_values) # Find the best splitting feature and split on the best feature.
splitting_feature = best_splitting_feature(data, features, target)
left_split = data[data[splitting_feature] == 0]
right_split = data[data[splitting_feature] == 1] # calculate error
error_before_split = intermediate_node_num_mistakes(target_values) / float(len(data))
left_mistakes = intermediate_node_num_mistakes(left_split[target])
right_mistakes = intermediate_node_num_mistakes(right_split[target])
error_after_split = (left_mistakes + right_mistakes) / float(len(data)) # Early stopping condition 3: Minimum error reduction
if error_before_split - error_after_split < min_error_reduction:
return create_leaf(target_values) remaining_features.remove(splitting_feature) # Repeat (recurse) on left and right subtrees
left_tree = decision_tree_create(left_split, remaining_features, target,
current_depth + 1, max_depth, min_node_size, min_error_reduction)
right_tree = decision_tree_create(right_split, remaining_features, target,
current_depth + 1, max_depth, min_node_size, min_error_reduction) return create_node(splitting_feature, left_tree, right_tree)

    2. pruning

     Total cost C(T) = Error(T) + λ L(T)




def classify(tree, input):
# if the node is a leaf node.
if tree['is_leaf']:
return tree['prediction']
# split on feature.
split_feature_value = input[tree['splitting_feature']]
if split_feature_value == 0:
return classify(tree['left'], input)
return classify(tree['right'], input)



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