Smart Pointer Guidelines
Smart Pointer Guidelines
What are smart pointers?Smart pointers are a specific kind of "scoping object". They are like regular pointers but can automatically deallocate the object they point to when they go out of scope. Since C++ is not a garbage collected language, such functionality is important. The pattern where scoping objects are used to automatically manage the lifetime of heap-allocated objects is called RAII - Resource Acquisition Is Initialization. Here's some sample use of // We can put a pointer into a std::unique_ptr<> at construction time... Why do we use them?Smart pointers ensure we properly destroy an object even if its creation and destruction are widely separated. They make functions simpler and safer by ensuring that no matter how many different exit paths exist, local objects are always cleaned up correctly. They help enforce that exactly one object owns another object at any given time, preventing both leaks and double-frees. Finally, their use clarifies ownership transference expectations at function calls. What types of smart pointers exist?The two common smart pointers in Chromium are base/memory/ has a few other objects of interest:
When do we use each smart pointer?
What are the calling conventions involving different kinds of pointers?See the calling conventions section of the Chromium style guide for the rules; some common cases are illustrated below.
What about passing or returning a smart pointer by reference?Don't do this. In principle, passing a One exception is lambda functions used with STL algorithms operating on containers of smart pointers; these may have to take e.g. I want to use an STL container to hold pointers. Can I use smart pointers?Yes! As of C++11, you can store smart pointers in STL containers. In particular, there's no longer a need to use General references on smart pointers |
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