Let's we want to combine two account accidently have the same name.

const acct1 = { name: 'Nico', isPaid: true, points: , friends: ['Franklin'] }

const acct2 = { name: 'Nico', isPaid: false, points: , friends: ['Gatsby'] }

So, here we can use Semi-group to combine them, because the semi-group have the knowledge how to combine for each type of object.

So we change two accounts as:

const acct1 = { name: First('Nico'), isPaid: All(true), points: Sum(), friends: ['Franklin'] }

const acct2 = { name: First('Nico'), isPaid: All(false), points: Sum(), friends: ['Gatsby'] }

But here we still have one problem which Object doesn't have 'concat' method, so we need to use Immutable library to help:

Includes libarary:

const {Map} = Immutable;
const acct1 = Map({ name: First('Nico'), isPaid: All(true), points: Sum(), friends: ['Franklin'] })

const acct2 = Map({ name: First('Nico'), isPaid: All(false), points: Sum(), friends: ['Gatsby'] })


const {Map} = Immutable;

const Sum = x =>
concat: ({x: y}) =>
Sum(x + y),
inspect: () =>
}) const All = x =>
concat: ({x: y}) =>
All(x && y),
inspect: () =>
}) const First = x =>
concat: _ =>
inspect: () =>
}) const acct1 = Map({ name: First('Nico'), isPaid: All(true), points: Sum(), friends: ['Franklin'] }) const acct2 = Map({ name: First('Nico'), isPaid: All(false), points: Sum(), friends: ['Gatsby'] }) const res = acct1.concat(acct2) // Showing results
console.log("Friend 1: ", res.toJS().friends[]) //Friend 1: Franklin
console.log("Friend 2: ", res.toJS().friends[]) //Friend 2: Gatsby
console.log("isPaid: ", res.toJS().isPaid.x) //isPaid: false
console.log("Name: ", res.toJS().name.x) // Name: Nico
console.log("Points: ", res.toJS().points.x) // Points: 12

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