Harbor can be installed by one of three approaches:

  • Online installer: The installer downloads Harbor's images from Docker hub. For this reason, the installer is very small in size.

  • Offline installer: Use this installer when the host does not have an Internet connection. The installer contains pre-built images so its size is larger.

All installers can be downloaded from the official release page.

This guide describes the steps to install and configure Harbor by using the online or offline installer. The installation processes are almost the same.

If you run a previous version of Harbor, you may need to update harbor.cfg and migrate the data to fit the new database schema.

In addition, the deployment instructions on Kubernetes has been created by the community.

Prerequisites for the target host

Harbor is deployed as several Docker containers, and, therefore, can be deployed on any Linux distribution that supports Docker. The target host requires Python, Docker, and Docker Compose to be installed.


Resource Capacity Description
CPU minimal 2 CPU 4 CPU is preferred
Mem minimal 4GB 8GB is preferred
Disk minimal 40GB 160GB is preferred


Software Version Description
Python version 2.7 or higher Note that you may have to install Python on Linux distributions (Gentoo, Arch) that do not come with a Python interpreter installed by default
Docker engine version 17.03.0-ce+ or higher For installation instructions, please refer to: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/
Docker Compose version 1.18.0 or higher For installation instructions, please refer to: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
Openssl latest is preferred Generate certificate and keys for Harbor

Network ports

Port Protocol Description
443 HTTPS Harbor portal and core API will accept requests on this port for https protocol
4443 HTTPS Connections to the Docker Content Trust service for Harbor, only needed when Notary is enabled
80 HTTP Harbor portal and core API will accept requests on this port for http protocol

Installation Steps

The installation steps boil down to the following

  1. Download the installer;
  2. Configure harbor.cfg;
  3. Run install.sh to install and start Harbor;

Downloading the installer:

The binary of the installer can be downloaded from the release page. Choose either online or offline installer. Use tar command to extract the package.

Online installer:

    $ tar xvf harbor-online-installer-<version>.tgz

Offline installer:

    $ tar xvf harbor-offline-installer-<version>.tgz

Configuring Harbor

Configuration parameters are located in the file harbor.cfg.

There are two categories of parameters in harbor.cfg, required parameters and optional parameters.

  • required parameters: These parameters are required to be set in the configuration file. They will take effect if a user updates them in harbor.cfg and run the install.sh script to reinstall Harbor.

  • optional parameters: These parameters are optional for updating, i.e. user can leave them as default and update them on Web Portal after Harbor is started. If they are set in harbor.cfg, they only take effect in the first launch of Harbor.

    Subsequent update to these parameters in harbor.cfg will be ignored.

    Note: If you choose to set these parameters via the Portal, be sure to do so right after Harbor

    is started. In particular, you must set the desired auth_mode before registering or creating any new users in Harbor. When there are users in the system (besides the default admin user),

    auth_mode cannot be changed.

The parameters are described below - note that at the very least, you will need to change the hostname attribute.

Required parameters:
  • hostname: The target host's hostname, which is used to access the Portal and the registry service. It should be the IP address or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your target machine, e.g., or reg.yourdomain.com. Do NOT use localhost or for the hostname - the registry service needs to be accessible by external clients!
  • ui_url_protocol: (http or https. Default is http) The protocol used to access the Portal and the token/notification service. If Notary is enabled, this parameter has to be https. By default, this is http. To set up the https protocol, refer to Configuring Harbor with HTTPS Access.
  • db_password: The root password for the PostgreSQL database used for db_auth. Change this password for any production use!
  • max_job_workers: (default value is 10) The maximum number of replication workers in job service. For each image replication job, a worker synchronizes all tags of a repository to the remote destination. Increasing this number allows more concurrent replication jobs in the system. However, since each worker consumes a certain amount of network/CPU/IO resources, please carefully pick the value of this attribute based on the hardware resource of the host.
  • customize_crt: (on or off. Default is on) When this attribute is on, the prepare script creates private key and root certificate for the generation/verification of the registry's token. Set this attribute to off when the key and root certificate are supplied by external sources. Refer to Customize Key and Certificate of Harbor Token Service for more info.
  • ssl_cert: The path of SSL certificate, it's applied only when the protocol is set to https.
  • ssl_cert_key: The path of SSL key, it's applied only when the protocol is set to https.
  • secretkey_path: The path of key for encrypt or decrypt the password of a remote registry in a replication policy.
  • log_rotate_count: Log files are rotated log_rotate_count times before being removed. If count is 0, old versions are removed rather than rotated.
  • log_rotate_size: Log files are rotated only if they grow bigger than log_rotate_size bytes. If size is followed by k, the size is assumed to be in kilobytes. If the M is used, the size is in megabytes, and if G is used, the size is in gigabytes. So size 100, size 100k, size 100M and size 100G are all valid.
  • http_proxy: Config http proxy for Clair, e.g. http://my.proxy.com:3128.
  • https_proxy: Config https proxy for Clair, e.g. http://my.proxy.com:3128.
  • no_proxy: Config no proxy for Clair, e.g.,localhost,core,registry.
  • harbor_admin_password: The administrator's initial password. This password only takes effect for the first time Harbor launches. After that, this setting is ignored and the administrator's password should be set in the Portal. Note that the default username/password are admin/Harbor12345 .

Configuring storage backend (optional)

By default, Harbor stores images on your local filesystem. In a production environment, you may consider

using other storage backend instead of the local filesystem, like S3, OpenStack Swift, Ceph, etc.

These parameters are configurations for registry.

  • registry_storage_provider_name: Storage provider name of registry, it can be filesystem, s3, gcs, azure, etc. Default is filesystem.
  • registry_storage_provider_config: Comma separated "key: value" pairs for storage provider config, e.g. "key1: value, key2: value2". Default is empty string.
  • registry_custom_ca_bundle: The path to the custom root ca certificate, which will be injected into the truststore of registry's and chart repository's containers. This is usually needed when the user hosts a internal storage with self signed certificate.

For example, if you use Openstack Swift as your storage backend, the parameters may look like this:

registry_storage_provider_config="username: admin, password: ADMIN_PASS, authurl: http://keystone_addr:35357/v3/auth, tenant: admin, domain: default, region: regionOne, container: docker_images"

NOTE: For detailed information on storage backend of a registry, refer to Registry Configuration Reference .

Finishing installation and starting Harbor

Once harbor.cfg and storage backend (optional) are configured, install and start Harbor using the install.sh script. Note that it may take some time for the online installer to download Harbor images from Docker hub.

Default installation (without Notary/Clair)

Harbor has integrated with Notary and Clair (for vulnerability scanning). However, the default installation does not include Notary or Clair service.

    $ sudo ./install.sh

If everything worked properly, you should be able to open a browser to visit the admin portal at http://reg.yourdomain.com (change reg.yourdomain.com to the hostname configured in your harbor.cfg). Note that the default administrator username/password are admin/Harbor12345 .

Log in to the admin portal and create a new project, e.g. myproject. You can then use docker commands to login and push images (By default, the registry server listens on port 80):

$ docker login reg.yourdomain.com
$ docker push reg.yourdomain.com/myproject/myrepo:mytag

IMPORTANT: The default installation of Harbor uses HTTP - as such, you will need to add the option --insecure-registry to your client's Docker daemon and restart the Docker service.

Installation with Notary

To install Harbor with Notary service, add a parameter when you run install.sh:

    $ sudo ./install.sh --with-notary

Note: For installation with Notary the parameter ui_url_protocol must be set to "https". For configuring HTTPS please refer to the following sections.

More information about Notary and Docker Content Trust, please refer to Docker's documentation:


Installation with Clair

To install Harbor with Clair service, add a parameter when you run install.sh:

    $ sudo ./install.sh --with-clair

For more information about Clair, please refer to Clair's documentation:


Installation with chart repository service

To install Harbor with chart repository service, add a parameter when you run install.sh:

    $ sudo ./install.sh --with-chartmuseum

Note: If you want to install Notary, Clair and chart repository service, you must specify all the parameters in the same command:

    $ sudo ./install.sh --with-notary --with-clair --with-chartmuseum

For information on how to use Harbor, please refer to User Guide of Harbor .

Configuring Harbor with HTTPS access

Harbor does not ship with any certificates, and, by default, uses HTTP to serve requests. While this makes it relatively simple to set up and run - especially for a development or testing environment - it is not recommended for a production environment. To enable HTTPS, please refer to Configuring Harbor with HTTPS Access.

Managing Harbor's lifecycle

You can use docker-compose to manage the lifecycle of Harbor. Some useful commands are listed as follows (must run in the same directory as docker-compose.yml).

Stopping Harbor:

$ sudo docker-compose stop
Stopping nginx ... done
Stopping harbor-portal ... done
Stopping harbor-jobservice ... done
Stopping harbor-core ... done
Stopping registry ... done
Stopping redis ... done
Stopping registryctl ... done
Stopping harbor-db ... done
Stopping harbor-log ... done

Restarting Harbor after stopping:

$ sudo docker-compose start
Starting log ... done
Starting registry ... done
Starting registryctl ... done
Starting postgresql ... done
Starting core ... done
Starting portal ... done
Starting redis ... done
Starting jobservice ... done
Starting proxy ... done

To change Harbor's configuration, first stop existing Harbor instance and update harbor.cfg. Then run prepare script to populate the configuration. Finally re-create and start Harbor's instance:

$ sudo docker-compose down -v
$ vim harbor.cfg
$ sudo prepare
$ sudo docker-compose up -d

Removing Harbor's containers while keeping the image data and Harbor's database files on the file system:

$ sudo docker-compose down -v

Removing Harbor's database and image data (for a clean re-installation):

$ rm -r /data/database
$ rm -r /data/registry

Managing lifecycle of Harbor when it's installed with Notary

When Harbor is installed with Notary, an extra template file docker-compose.notary.yml is needed for docker-compose commands. The docker-compose commands to manage the lifecycle of Harbor are:

$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.notary.yml [ up|down|ps|stop|start ]

For example, if you want to change configuration in harbor.cfg and re-deploy Harbor when it's installed with Notary, the following commands should be used:

$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.notary.yml down -v
$ vim harbor.cfg
$ sudo prepare --with-notary
$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.notary.yml up -d

Managing lifecycle of Harbor when it's installed with Clair

When Harbor is installed with Clair, an extra template file docker-compose.clair.yml is needed for docker-compose commands. The docker-compose commands to manage the lifecycle of Harbor are:

$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.clair.yml [ up|down|ps|stop|start ]

For example, if you want to change configuration in harbor.cfg and re-deploy Harbor when it's installed with Clair, the following commands should be used:

$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.clair.yml down -v
$ vim harbor.cfg
$ sudo prepare --with-clair
$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.clair.yml up -d

Managing lifecycle of Harbor when it's installed with chart repository service

When Harbor is installed with chart repository service, an extra template file docker-compose.chartmuseum.yml is needed for docker-compose commands. The docker-compose commands to manage the lifecycle of Harbor are:

$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.chartmuseum.yml [ up|down|ps|stop|start ]

For example, if you want to change configuration in harbor.cfg and re-deploy Harbor when it's installed with chart repository service, the following commands should be used:

$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.chartmuseum.yml down -v
$ vim harbor.cfg
$ sudo prepare --with-chartmuseum
$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.chartmuseum.yml up -d

Managing lifecycle of Harbor when it's installed with Notary, Clair and chart repository service

If you want to install Notary, Clair and chart repository service together, you should include all the components in the docker-compose and prepare commands:

$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.notary.yml -f ./docker-compose.clair.yml -f ./docker-compose.chartmuseum.yml down -v
$ vim harbor.cfg
$ sudo prepare --with-notary --with-clair --with-chartmuseum
$ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.notary.yml -f ./docker-compose.clair.yml -f ./docker-compose.chartmuseum.yml up -d

Please check the Docker Compose command-line reference for more on docker-compose.

Persistent data and log files

By default, registry data is persisted in the host's /data/ directory. This data remains unchanged even when Harbor's containers are removed and/or recreated.

In addition, Harbor uses rsyslog to collect the logs of each container. By default, these log files are stored in the directory /var/log/harbor/ on the target host for troubleshooting.

Configuring Harbor listening on a customized port

By default, Harbor listens on port 80(HTTP) and 443(HTTPS, if configured) for both admin portal and docker commands, you can configure it with a customized one.

For HTTP protocol

1.Modify docker-compose.yml

Replace the first "80" to a customized port, e.g. 8888:80.

image: goharbor/nginx-photon:v1.6.0
container_name: nginx
restart: always
- ./common/config/nginx:/etc/nginx:z
- 8888:80
- 443:443
- postgresql
- registry
- core
- portal
- log
driver: "syslog"
syslog-address: "tcp://"
tag: "proxy"

2.Modify harbor.cfg, add the port to the parameter "hostname"

hostname =

3.Re-deploy Harbor referring to previous section "Managing Harbor's lifecycle".

For HTTPS protocol

1.Enable HTTPS in Harbor by following this guide.

2.Modify docker-compose.yml

Replace the first "443" to a customized port, e.g. 8888:443.

image: goharbor/nginx-photon:v1.6.0
container_name: nginx
restart: always
- ./common/config/nginx:/etc/nginx:z
- 80:80
- 8888:443
- postgresql
- registry
- core
- portal
- log
driver: "syslog"
syslog-address: "tcp://"
tag: "proxy"

3.Modify harbor.cfg, add the port to the parameter "hostname"

hostname =

4.Re-deploy Harbor referring to previous section "Managing Harbor's lifecycle".

Configuring Harbor using the external database

Currently, only PostgreSQL database is supported by Harbor.

To user an external database, just uncomment the external_database section in harbor.yml and fill the necessary information. Four databases are needed to be create first by users for Harbor core, Clair, Notary server and Notary signer. And the tables will be generated automatically when Harbor starting up.

Manage user settings

After release 1.8.0, User settings are separated with system settings, and all user settings should be configured in web console or by HTTP request.

Please refer Configure User Settings to config user settings.

Performance tuning

By default, Harbor limits the CPU usage of Clair container to 150000 and avoids its using up all the CPU resources. This is defined in the docker-compose.clair.yml file. You can modify it based on your hardware configuration.


  1. When Harbor does not work properly, run the below commands to find out if all containers of Harbor are in UP status:
    $ sudo docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
harbor-core /harbor/start.sh Up
harbor-db /entrypoint.sh postgres Up 5432/tcp
harbor-jobservice /harbor/start.sh Up
harbor-log /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/ ... Up>10514/tcp
harbor-portal nginx -g daemon off; Up 80/tcp
nginx nginx -g daemon off; Up>443/tcp,>4443/tcp,>80/tcp
redis docker-entrypoint.sh redis ... Up 6379/tcp
registry /entrypoint.sh /etc/regist ... Up 5000/tcp
registryctl /harbor/start.sh Up

If a container is not in UP state, check the log file of that container in directory /var/log/harbor. For example, if the container harbor-core is not running, you should look at the log file core.log.

2.When setting up Harbor behind an nginx proxy or elastic load balancing, look for the line below, in common/templates/nginx/nginx.http.conf and remove it from the sections if the proxy already has similar settings: location /, location /v2/ and location /service/.

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

and re-deploy Harbor refer to the previous section "Managing Harbor's lifecycle".

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